Break-In Unused Cartridge with Old Stylus? New Stylus in Old Body? Problems Encountered?

Break-In of Old Unused Cartridge???? Old Stylus? New Stylus in Old Body??? Problems Encountered???

The 2 separate considerations seem to be old stylus suspension, and body internals.

I found this from 2015

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 124
    Re: Clearaudio MM -- AT-95E and beyond« Reply #1133 on: 26 Jun 2015, 03:31 am »Hi Neo.

    I completely agree with your comment in regards to this required ’mini’ break-in after a cartridge has sat for a while . Some of you may be asking yourself, just how long is this
    ’for a while’. Well, I had cartridges that don’t sound quite as I remember them sounding only after a couple of days of this sitting. Others take several weeks before this same effect takes place. To me, the cartridges sound is a bit thin until it ’re’ settles in. I can not say for sure that it is the suspension that is making the change from sitting, or if it is the coil wire being energized when placed back into use. I do know of some audiophiles that will not even move their speaker wire for fear of having to ’re’ break them in. A lot of Voodoo in this hobby of ours but I do know what I hear. Something does definitely change in the sound of a cartridge when it sits.
    Regards, "

    What have you experienced resurrecting un-used cartridges? original un-used stylus? new stylus in old body?

    Regrets getting new Stylus for Old Cartridge?

    Just get a new cartridge with new Stylus?

    I ordered new Shibata Stylus for my Shure V15VxMR body which has been unused for a very long time. It’s not about the stylus rubber, but the body internals in this case.

    I probably will get a new Shibata for Old Victor Z1S body after it get’s here, same internals only issue.

    Both issues: I’m using my Old Unused AT440ML with it’s original Stylus, so it’s about stylus suspension and internals in it’s case. Note: dried crud on diamond and cantilever, it took repeated cleanings, finally electrical contact cleaner rinsed with alcohol worked, looks like original now.

    Sounds great on clean LP’s, I was not aware of this ’mini-break-in' idea, so haven’t been paying attention. Only around 20 hours since resurrected. I will move it to my new Lustre GST-801 arm when assembled. I will pay more attention then.

    I'll pay attention to the Shure when new stylus arrives.


    So many layers involved using great but weathered stuff.


    Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

    chakster wrote:
    Not sure what what is the question,

    Indeed. What is the question?
    My Koetsu Black Goldline goes through this every night. The first few minutes or so is a fairly big change, but it continues to improve clear across the first side and probably even longer, it just gets harder/less obvious as the rate of improvement slows.

    This same thing has happened with every cartridge ever, the last two being Benz Ruby H and Benz Glider. I view it as similar to warm-up. 

    This is NOT to say they have to be run and run to sound great. When chakster says they are great (or not) right from the start he is totally correct. If its crap out of the box its crap, period. But this is more like its great right out of the box, then it goes to stellar. But even a star, you know, twinkles.