Break In Failed

There is a new set of speakers on the way and after looking for tips on speaker break in, the topic hits left me smirking.

Good advice like face the speakers and wire one out of phase, use heavy blankets and leave on 24-7 for weeks.

The amusing part was exercising them at ~90dB for excursion during away hours. My current speakers have seen that level in my apartment for maybe an hour in the years since owning them. Did I fail at break in protocol?

I anticipate feedback recommendations of connect and enjoy the music after leaving them on for a couple of weeks at my normal listening levels, which has served me well in the past.


Showing 1 response by gs5556

A few thoughts on the subject:

In my experience the only thing that sounds worse new out of the box is a vacuum tube.

Do driver manufacturers run new production drivers for hundreds of hours to "break in" before testing, or do they test them right off the assembly line?

Do capacitor manufacturers state on their data sheets that hundreds of hours of use are required prior to use in critical filtering or timing circuits in medical or aerospace equipment?

If something doesn’t sound right out of the box then it always will.