Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned

Just curious about what other companies use this approach other than Vandersteen, Green Mountain, and Thiel.

I currently own Vandersteen 2c's, and I may consider trying out a different brand if somebody recommends it. However, I love the Vandersteen sound, and I'm guessing that they are tough to beat.

Showing 1 response by zd542

Vandersteen is hard to beat. Once you get used to them, its very hard to move to something else. Not too many companies make time and phase correct speakers. The design process is very difficult and time consuming. If the Vandersteen's are too revealing for you, the Meadowlark's that Timrhu recommends are very good, if you can find a good used pair.

One of the nice things about Vandersteen, is that they don't have too much of the box colorations you find with most other box speakers, as well as the colorations you get with esl's and ribbons. This type of transparency allows you to change the sound of your system very easily. When you upgrade other components in your system like amps, preamps, and sources, you hear more of the components, and how they change your system.

Also, you should be able to upgrade your 2's to Signature 1 status.