Boulder 866 / Rotel Michi M8

Michi M8 big boys against the little sophisticated Boulder 866 all-in-one?
Advantages disadvantages?

I had the opportunity to bring new michi M8 monos with a warranty of $5000, but there are also quite a few good reviews about the Boulder 866...

They play in the same league? 




I own the Boulder 866 and it is a outstanding American build product.  Have not heard the M8 but there reviews are quite good.  I can attest that Boulder is a great company and everything is made in house.  Have you had a chance to listen to both amps?

Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to listen to them in the area before buying. I'm trying to get informed. What Speaker and system do you listen to?


Another vote for the 866! It is an outstanding integrated with a superb DAC. I have Rockport Avior ii speakers and the Boulder is superb with them! Good luck in your search!