Previous Borresen owner here, of both the Z3 Cryo and 02. I‘m also sitting in the Audio Group Denmark room at Southwest Audio Fest as we speak listening to the Borresen X6 and have heard the X3 on multiple occasions. In my experience, Borresen is very much more “hifi” sounding than delivering natural sonics, especially with the X series which are largely less refined and more peaky than their more refined lines. Even with the Z Cryo series, I found it very hard to get natural presentation given their brashness. That said, I have a lot of respect for the 0 and M series, but those are largely unaffordable by most.
The X series in my opinion is a nice gateway to the rest of the Borresen line at a modest investment, but the takeaways I got from them are similar to walking into a Best Buy to shop for TV’s and being attracted to the dynamic contrasts of HDR, only to return home with one and realize how fatiguing it is.