Bookshelf speakers for small room

I have a small room and listen rather closely.  I'm using a Uniti Atom and some older Martin Logan 4s and looking to upgrade the whole system with a great turntable, tube amp and a different DAC.  A local dealer demo'd me on the Harbeth P3 XD's and the vocals came through with crystal clarity- loved the sound!  But he played it loud and I'm playing at very low volumes (kids, wife, small house).  

What are some good bookshelf options for a small room and streamed music (and vinyl) played at lower volumes?   A good tube amp/DAC to match??

Showing 1 response by reven6e

Regarding your Sennheiser HD800S, I would start by trying a tube headphone amp. The Atom itself is not exactly the bees’ knees as a source. You know the story: trash in, trash out. If anything the Senns are very transparent and tell you that your source and amp are not up to scratch. If you are not ready to invest in the above I would just consider a lesser headphone - HD650 from the same company for instance. 
Expensive, but you can find them much cheaper ex demo, the WA TuneTots are still my go to for small rooms, boundaries etc. Raidho also perform splendidly near field but they also cost top dollars.