Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways

Just a heads up. Bob’s new album is out on Tidal today. Just finished my first listen - I am a big fan of Bob Dylan - I consider him the Poet of my generation - at 79 his lyrics tell beautiful stories - IMO. Enjoy the music.

Happy Listening!

Showing 4 responses by tomic601

I listened to Murder twice last evening- I was just two when that went down, so obviously I have no direct memory. Into the future, critics of Dylan and this album and this song will come and go. Me, I see it as an emotional stream of consciousness regurgitation of the evil and the emotions of that horrid day. I guessing for a significant fraction, the song will remain very personal and emotional - maybe even slightly more than half the country. At some point I might write down all the musical touchstone references - I think most of the mentions are artists I have valued, sought out over the years..
so sure, let’s over the years revisit the song and see who has the chops, stones, moral conviction and emotions to cover it... or maybe just write something new...
I don’t consider the rest of the album a masterwork and maybe that’s my deal with Bob. His masterwork needs to touch me to the core as ten or so of his songs do. I and I would be one such song. Planet waves is a great album with a few with or without a Rock band...

as my buddy with Cornwall’s said: Dude, it’s a first world problem to debate other critics about Dylan...”

yes, we are that lucky
Finally, no ILL will intended
Sure critical input abounds... about everything and everyone. Not sure wishing a gentle nudge is anything but thinking about the golden rule...

now about those younger voices ?????