BMI Whale Elite - Construction?

Hello all! I just had a quick question. I've heard great things about BMI cables - especially the Whale Elite. While I've read the postings from BMI regarding the cord, and it looks incredible, I was wondering if anyone has any details on the construction of the cable. I'm not really looking for trade secrets, but I'm curious about what I'm buying.


Showing 2 responses by sugarbrie

Interesting question. The other questions is if you had two cables to choose from at the same price. The first on rates an A+ for build quality and finish and B+ for sound; the second one B+ for build quality and A+ for sound; which one would you buy??
I've been currious about trying to demo the BMI cords and the Absolute cords. I will maybe this fall. I mostly have Vansevers cords and some thick 12AWG and 14AWG generic electrical hardware store variety.