BluSound Node and Node 2

The purpose of this post is to make everyone aware and think twice before buying BluSound Node / Node 2.

Blusound's customer service is the worst I have ever experienced. As far as sound goes it's decent for the price. Are there better-sounding streaming dacs? Absolutely. I'd spend extra 300 / 400 dollars and get something more reliable vs wasting $549. 


Six months after buying my 1st node it failed. It would play songs from the middle and only for 30 seconds and then skip to a random song regardless of what service I used. There are numerous blogs that talk about this same exact problem. It happens if you are streaming locally from your NAS or directly from quboz or deezer. You guys can google this issue. 


After several failed attempts with customer service, I sold the device for $75 and bought node 2. I was told by blusound that they have fixed the bugs in node 2 and it sounds way better.

Well there is no difference in sound between node 1 and node 2 and my node 2 failed within 3 months of purchase. After 2 weeks worth of back and forth with blusound tech support and 20 emails from them telling me to reboot / reindex / factory reset my device I was told today that they will take a look at the logs and get back to me. 

Its possible that blusound node owners have owned their devices for years without any problems but it looks like songs skipping and starting from the middle and stopping randomly is a well know issue with the device. 

My suggestion is to look at other brands, spend a little more in order to avoid wasting your $549. 

Im thinking of either getting a used Lumin d2 or the simaudio 280d. 


my system:

Simaudio 340i with builtin dac [2019]

Dynaudio C20

2x REL T9is



Showing 5 responses by mahler123



you aren't alone.  There are many satisfied Bluesound owners who have gotten good sound and longevity from their units but I am not among them.  I bought a Valut2 and two Node2s at once because I wanted the whole home thing.  THe Valut and one of the Nodes eventually died, just barely past warranty time, doing updates .  One of the Nodes escaped this fate and I still use it.   So I envy the owners that have never had problems but I do think there is a high percentage of failed units here.  

even though I’ve had a couple of Bluesound units go bad after a few years, I still use one that has survived and recommend Bluesound as an entry point to people who want high resolution streaming. It does an amazing number of things, and fairly well, at that price point.

As for reliability, well all streamers are networking computers that are gussied up to look and sound like audio products. I think of them like Dell Laptops. I’ve worked at places that had 20 or more Dells in circulation in one office, and every few months one has to be replaced. Maybe 80% survive the long run. I’ve talked with IT people that say when they open up the insides of a Dell they can’t believe what cheap parts are in use. Bluesound also probably has to cut a few corners to make that price point .

I heard the newer Node demonstrated at a shop, on equipment and recordings that I knew well, and I was very impressed with the improved DAC.

So I still think it is a great entry point for high resolution streaming, with one of the best apps. If you are unlucky enough to get a unit that fails hopefully it happens while under warranty. And if it goes bad after 5 years or more of heavy use, then the purchaser got their money worth. After all no CD Laser lasts forever either


After sort of defending the Node in earlier posts, mine is now stuck inno man’s land, with the icon spinning relentlessly.  I had this problem with previous units and had to do multiple reboots, factory resets, etc, which sometimes work and sometimes didn’t.  I had been thinking about replacing this Node, which resides in a secondary system, with the Cambridge CXN 60, which I use and love in my main system.  This generation of the Node doesn’t do AirPlay or Chromecast, and those two features are increasingly desirable in this system.  I think I ‘ll skip the calls to BS CS, the multiple factory rests, etc and give this one a proper burial after several years of service 


I use wired.  Everything else in the house is ok.  I have had this issue with Bluesound before