Bluray Hi Rez audio

Looking for suggestions on a Blu-ray player that outputs hirez optical. Also, high quality audio grade hdmi to usb, is there such an animal? Thank you in advance
This is so confusing to me. I think I'm going will end up using a Mac computer with Audirvana and just download the sacd files. I play then play them via usb through the Codex. At least I know what I have and what I can do lol
@billspecfoc I outputs DSD via HDMI for sure, but dunno via SPDIF. It does converts DSD to PCM, but conversion is not great quality IMHO.
When I was looking into possibly getting an external DAC for my Oppo 105, I was under the impression (from the material I had read) that I couldn't output DSD from it.  Am I mistaken?
@dweller  I use AYON CD-5 for stereo and Anthem AVM 60 for multichannel processing. As pure stereo DAC OPPO is a little better then Anthem but in much lower league then AYON
I used to do it as well until I got Auralic Aries Femto, and difference in sound (via AES/EBU) was staggering. I was very surprised as I did not expect it to be that significant.
I essentially use my Oppo I use my Oppo 105 as a transport.  High Res and everything else except for SACD goes either Optical or SPDIF.  SACD have DSD outputted over HDMI to my Bryston DAC 3,
mikhaelkuz: I may have been using toslink -will try RCA if I connect a TV. Also, what brand DAC do you use?
@dweller - you are correct, I rechecked paper insert into my CD-BR set (I assume identical to yours) - and flat transfer from original tapes is 24/192! SW Remiх (which I prefer by wide margin) is 24/96. Go figure!
Anyway, my OPPO 105 outputs this 24/192 to my DAC via coax no problem, just verified. Did not check optical
mikhaelkuz: My Yes set comes with a CD disk and a BluRay. Also included is a booklet that lists songs and their recording specs. I checked this afternoon to verify what I was talking about. Don't know why they recorded at different sampling rates...
@dweller- I think in setup -> audio -> digital output format they have a settings on top output frequency. I do not remember what was default - 96 or 192. Hard of course do all of this without monitor..
BTW, which song specifically is in 192? Nothing on album paperwork indicates that stereo transfer is more then 24/96. Checked title song - 24/96.
mikhaelkuz: You're right, some songs are 24/96 but some are 24/192. I'm not sure the 24/96 light ever came on. I'd try to verify but some "genius" made a music disk that can only be played using a TV (I don't have a TV connected to my system).
FWIW: I tried playing BluRay disk (Yes - Close to the Edge) from my Oppo 105 to my Rega DAC but could never get the 24/192 light to come on. 
- Ripping Blu Ray is pain, I prefer to play them in a player.
OPPO-105(3) output DSD to optical and spdif, they also DO NOT play SACD-R (via DLNA or drive) per some copyright restrictions (they pay copied DVD-A with watermarks, however). You can split them in DSF files -and then they play.
As a streamer my OPPO 105 so much inferior to Auralic Aries Femto that I stopped using it and only play multi-channel music on DVD-A and BR. I believe Aurender also will beat OPPO digital outputs with ease.
Thanks for your input.  I have a BlueSound streamer, I don't believe it'll rip sacd. I'll have to look into that
I also own an Ayre Codex and an OPPO BDT-101CI player. The problem with the lower end OPPO is that they aren't licensed to output SACD audio to optical (supports CD, DVDs), just to the RCAs + HDMI.  The OPPO 105 + 205 may have the ability to output SACD to optical. I'm not sure about that.  If you have a HDMI supported DAC, you might be able to take advantage of the HDMI output but if you want to keep your Ayre Codex, you'll need to find a player that can output hirez (SACD) audio to optical.  Look into the higher end OPPO or another traditional audio player.  I would also look into ripping your SACD discs (it's doable) and putting them on a music server/streamer, if you have one.  Once I moved all my CD/DVDs/SACDs to my Aurender, I haven't used my OPPO player in over a year and I couldn't be more switching discs.  :)
You at correct in about the oppo 93. I guess in looking to let the external dac do the decoding rather than using an onboard dac. The Ayre is a pretty fine dac. I don't think the 93's onboard could compete. It's drawbacks is I have 2 types of inputs either optical or usb. To play an sacd would I use the rca outs on the oppo?
Your current Oppo alrerady has optical and coaxial digital outputs, I am almost sure up to 24/96, and it does DSD according to the manual. The main justification for moving up to the Oppo 205 would be to have 4K video (if there is any source material that you are interested in - there is very litle right now). And of course you could use it to reduce the number of boxes: it can serve as a fine disc player, an excellent DAC and a perfect pre amplifier, all in one box.
I know,I three that out there as an after thought. I'm not sure what I want either lol. My dac is an Ayre Codex which only has optical and usb inputs. I would prefer to use it to decide dsd audio. I'm going to look into the oppo you mentioned. I have an.oppo 93 right now.
I am not quite sure what you want: hdmi into usb? The Oppo UDP 203 has both optical/coaxial digital and hdmi audio output. Since you are using the digital outputs bypassing the internal DAC there is no need for the more expensive UDP 205 with its superior DAC.