I have the Ares II, Pontus II, Gustard X26 Pro, Topping D70 and MHDT Orchid. The simple fact of the matter is that if you pay VERY careful attention each of these DACs sounds SLIGHTLY different but none of them is clearly better than the others on all types of music. People that claim dramatic differences either have bat ears or are letting the psycho part of psychoacoustics rule their judgement.
based on personal experience, i disagree, the difference in sound is quite discernable on a sufficiently high res system
a-b using a dena pontus 2 (os mode) versus mhdt orchid (unmodified, stock ge 5687 tube) -- i can (and did) pick out a vs b each time on blind a-b test, on my system... (we used my ava abx comparator on blind test mode, volume matched) - dena has immediately noticeably more forward, fine grain treble, wider soundstage, stronger deep bass vs mhdt more recessed treble, narrower but deeper stage, grainless treble and mids, slower but fatter midbass weaker deep bass
bluesound node 2i streamer into dacs using rca spdif -- into hegel h390 driving proac d30rs speakers