Bluesound Node 2 as a preamp?

Source: Bluesound Node 2
Amp: Belles Aria Integrated
Speakers: Vandersteen 2ce Sig II’s

Prior to last night I had been taking the analog outputs of the Node 2 and plugging them into 1 of the 3 stereo inputs on the Belles. I had read a thread here about bypassing the preamp and plugging the Node 2 directly into your amp. I did that last night by using the Bypass input on the Belles, using the volume control on the Bluesound OS app to conrol volume.

I don’t know if it’s expectation bias or some other phenomenon, but I swear my system has never sounded sweeter. More bass extension, more defined sound stage, better detail.

Has anyone else tried this experiment? What were your findings? Am I losing it?



Showing 2 responses by samac


I've had an aftermarket power cord on my Node 2 for two months now. Adding the cord resulted in a quieter more relaxed sound; tone, detail and resolution all improved. I also had the C7 inlet on the Node 2 replaced (the prongs on the Node 2 are woefully undersized). This enhanced the improvements that the power cord made.

Cullen Cable made the power cord as well as replaced the C7 inlet. Here's a pic of the cord and the C7 plug with the Node 2.





The dac in the Node 2 is very good. I really enjoyed listening through it; but I do find I enjoy the dac in my integrated amp a bit more.

