Bluesound is great when it works, but ...

Am I the only one who sometimes -- often -- finds Bluesound software unimaginably frustrating? I can't be. I just got a new Mac Mini and have been unable to get BluOS to find my iTunes music library. I had it working on the old Mini (set up using the "add local share" thing on BluOS), but have not had any luck at all -- despite many, many, many efforts.

Here's the kicker: I contacted Bluesound support and requested help. Heard back quickly, with the recommendation that they link into my system via Microsoft Teams and they'd find and fix the problem. I was thrilled. But when I click on the provided link, download the software I'll need and then launch it, I get a message from Apple telling me that it cannot be opened because it has an outdated security certificate. (Or words to that effect.) Further communications with Bluesound support have been unavailing -- though I did receive a survey question asking me how I liked their support. Not at all, obviously.

This is what I'd call ridiculous. I'm no tech expert, but I know how to do a thing or three. And I know that adding my music library -- especially when it's sitting right there on iTunes on the Mac -- shouldn't be so freakin' difficult

When the Bluesound product is working, I quite like it. Enough, in fact, that I preordered a new Node so I'll have one for my main system, the other in my office rig. But they really need to hire a few software developers who know how to make things work for normal people, not tech experts.

End of rant.

-- Howard

Thanks for the links. I've spent so much time on that site that I'd nearly memorized those instructions, but your efforts are nonetheless appreciated.

-- Howard

I purchased a NAD integrated a few years ago with BluOs and hated it so I returned it. I use Spotify Connect and the connection was if-y at best. If I would pick up my iPhone and walk around it would lose the signal. And when I got news alerts, the 'ping' came through on the speakers. So back it went. I use a Marantz ND8006 with WiFi streaming and couldn't be happier.
I don’t like BluOS.
Especially when they added the "Show All" layer a coupla years ago.
And the unswitchble persistant queue.
And I don’t like iTunes. I like drag and drop.
Apple IS NOT easy and intuitive. Don't blame Lenmark.

End of rant.