Blood On The Tracks MoFi UD1S

Got mine today and can confirm that this is the best sounding version of this recording I've ever heard.  
Anyone else get theirs?


Showing 2 responses by jollytinker

Dylan himself said recently that his own LPs never sounded that great because they did too much compression to get more music on each one.  Sorry I don't have a cite for that. Debating the best Dylan LP is fun but also a very deep and beguiling rabbit-hole. I wonder if OP or other owners can give more detail (no pun) on why this pressing is worth the big bucks. (If you can't tell, I'm looking for an excuse to pull the trigger!). 
I just pulled out my old copy of Blood on the Tracks, inspired by this thread, and man did it sound crummy. Just dull and lifeless and muddy. Could be the LP itself I guess. So bad that I tossed it in the cull bin. 

It makes me wonder - what Dylan LPs sound the best? Putting aside artistic value, how do they rank to audiophiles? 

I’ll say that Shot of Love is a great sounding record in my system. gutsy but clear and you really hear the room. I love playing it. Also Nashville Skyline sounded good last time I heard it but that was a long time and many upgrades ago.