Blocking people?

Is it possible to block rift raft on this site?
Post removed 
Anyone wanna go on a date? Serious pm me we can meet up fosho!! I'll show you a good time.
It's as if you have your own secret dictionary, what fun!
May I borrow it to look up 'narsasict'?
Perhaps you should look up the forum rules about posting.
You're responses would be much shorter.
They'll still be nonsense, but they'll be shorter...

gguy767 OP
38 posts04-13-2020 4:07pmEvery as%&%le on this site has commented on this if I could just block these people I could save myself the time of reading their pointless

I’m gonna speak to you as a friend, if I may? As a person who can get pretty fire up at some of the things that are said. I agree (not you) to read them or not. I also choose to react, in a way that hopefully lets others know I’m here to learn, to share, to laugh, and voice an opinion, if needed.

The 'block button" kinda' leaves a person out of the loop, so to speak, and a target for those that love to pick, pick, pick.. LOL I've worked around a lot of folks that way. Same guys/girls, no different, hide behind a foreman, a boss, a LAWMAN. I learned a lot about humans, most are good folks, SOME aren’t. Then there are those that have no HUMANITY in them... That "delete button", is heading down a road of "I didn’t know, but if I had". Do you follow my reasoning? A self imposed ignorance. Why on God’s green earth would you want to do that?

Best to protest a way that works, that’s why WE enjoy the wonderful thing known as "freedom of speech". Speak your mind,  just understand not everyone that’s smooth with the keyboard, is smooth in person...Ay?

Better to know where you stand with others, right? It’s NEVER ever done me wrong to read anything. Not being able to read it, is a huge handicap and self-induced to boot.

Respectfully and with Regard,

Now time to go feed the chickens..

"Anyone wanna go on a date?"
Yes, but, no offense, I am not into that kind. You know, I like those who can spell.
Ooooops, I just noticed you may be a man. Sorry, we are not meant to go on a date.
And remember, you have to call him names and swear a lot, or you’re not a real man.
Post removed 
Lol I don't care I'm already done with this site considering the popular riff raff crowd is to good for me with all their grammar and punctuation and super coolness.... and talk about negativity haha. The whole point of this was to find a way to separate myself from all you negative douchbags instead you all accumulates in one place haha it's funny. Every asshole on this site has to be front and center on this thread. You claim I offended you by calling you riff raff... sounds like you have a guilty concious? No matter what thread i start one of you clowns comes in with some negative connotations and your smug undertones... but that's just who you are the crowd that most likely nobody really likes on here. Your knowledge of hifi is irrelevant because no body wants advice from douchbags who every comment regardless of this thread has to have some kind of rudeness in it. That's why I made this thread to figure a way to not be annoyed with the ignorance of rude people. 
If I was a moderator I'd delete all of you because you make this no fun for people like me and I'm talking before this thread! So I guess I'm out I'm going to delete my profile here it's just not a place I want to be considering the riff raff.
You aren't really making this a place anyone would want to be now I understand what some meant when they said this place was better. Probably long before I came.
"I simply would like to have civil discussion..."
You may be more successful if you try not calling people you do not know anuses that often. They may think you are less of what you do not think you are.

"...this place was better. Probably long before I came."
Not even that long ago. It was better just before you came.
carpathian, *S*, quite well, thanks...and to you and the 'collective' gathered tonight.....;)

"Riff raff'...interesting term, that....

Now, one could surmise that This 'Riff Raff' is having a helluva lot of fun making money and hangin' with these 'honies' (even if only for the vid shoot...I sure would enjoy the company....! *L*)....

I don't complain much about the company I keep here....*shrug*
I may not agree all the time...
I may consider some Brilliant...others....not so much.... lump 'all' that I consider *ah* 'riff raff' to the dustbin and social expulsion....or 'delete the excrete', to 'get down' with this clown....

I've got some Interesting Hand Jive in mind....and not just the Typical 'Highway One' version....

....terribly overused, imho....and not really desirable, either....

@jma107804.....Arguing?!  Whose arguing?! *LOL*

That denotes competition......;)
...I used to wear Speedos....spouse finally implied I shouldn't, " really don't have the body for it...."

That's when we started going to nude beaches more often....
If I'm going to make you look elsewhere, Fine.
I've the same option....;)
(Let's drag this carcass of a forum to the nearest ditch....knock it so far off topic we'll expose it for the narrow-gauge track that it is....)

Let's have a Train Crash!
These words are from the verbs rifler, to spoil or strip, and raffler, to carry off. The phrase referred to the plundering of the bodies of the dead on the battlefield and the carrying off of the booty. ... The phrase was abbreviated to riff-raff and can be found in Gregory's Chronicle of London of about 1470.

Dead bodies are Not my thing....Noooo.
" really don't have the body for it...."
It is not about the body. It is about the way you wear it.

I have started using Tyr much more than Speedo lately.
So true, GP....G*

Anyway....Here...this is a lot more fun to look @ than this....or us, for that matter....;)

If you don't like the music, mute, and play your own.....:)

Cheers, J
In the beginning I said it would be fun. But I didn’t say for whom. 😬 Besides, all you have to do is look at the record. Once audio forums get placid and agreeable they dry up and disappear like dandelions in the wind. Look at Stereophile or even Audio Asylum.