Blocking people?

Is it possible to block rift raft on this site?

Showing 19 responses by gguy767

People don’t have any respect for one another from behind painted protective glass! The true colors shine and we find out the world is full of sociopaths. I guess when a population and technology get to this level its it’s easy, it sure is sad though! Talk about the patheticness of humans, even during a pandemic where 1000s of people a day are dying we still find a way to treat each other like complete garbage and not even care one bit! Pretty disgusting!! Probably why pandemics exist! I’m not saying I hope anyone gets this disease and dies just making an observation. People need to remember there are people on the other side of the glass too... get off the psuedo intellectual high horse cause you may not exist tomorrow anyway and if your comfortable going out on that note that’s between you and whatever you believe. So if you wanna admittedly be a sociopath because you can get away with it, then by all means keep it going I don’t care it really doesn’t bother me at all that’s why I’m not the one being trolled in the end.
Haha this is why there should be a block button! I initially just got tired of clowns responding with irrelevant negative b.s. and half witted insults, seemed like they were just trying to be douchbags. Its real easy to be an asshole behind a computer screen or a phone but the reality is, those of you with your negative ignorant comments and critiques can’t even fathom the logic and you admitted and proved that much. It’s like you are so cut throat you walk right into it and don’t even see how absolutely ridiculously ignorant you act. I have a feeling if we were all sitting in a room together talking about hifi, a topic such as this would never come up! The reason being is simply because a lot of people are not just douchbags in the real world cause they know a fist could land shortly after this exact type of smugness! So the people that think they are so funny with the critiques and smugness, lack respect and that’s all there is to it. That’s why a block button should exist, to shun those who lack respect to begin with. I have met some reall cool people on this but I’ve also ran into some of the biggest clowns I think I’ve ever ran into on a forum type website which is ironic considering this is a hifi forum... I’m new to hifi and this has me wondering if a lot of people that are into this hobby are just smug and rude! Still something tells me 99% of negative comments and rudeness would never exist face to face and in think we all know why and I think we all know what those people really are!
@millercarbon I never could comprehend, or understand for that matter, why it is that a grammar nazi exists? But the term grammar nazi is a great term considering hitler murdered 6 million jews for no reason! If you are following the logic here a grammar nazi tends to get a sense of endorphin rush at the mere chance they can feel more intellectually superior, and why?. By pointing out the grammatical flaws in a paragraph or sentence written by a person they are of no relation to what so ever, the immediate rush of superiority sends the brain "feel good signals". Then, like the king ape of the jungle who beats all the other apes so he can have his mate, he pounds on his chest like champion of the world! It definitely does not come from the frontal lobe of the brain which uses reason and logic! That is what separates us from the apes. Grammar nazis are purely limbic driven which is basically how apes brains function. Through countless and endless encounters with these grammar nazis I have concluded existentially these people are more along the lines of pseudo thinkers or some would call them npc's or bots. The pure matter of the fact is many individuals are not savvy when it comes to punctuation or spelling and grammar but it doesn't make them any less important than the next person! It also doesn't mean a person is not intelligent! Many great thinkers, philosophers, scientists and men or woman of stature or prominence have had there shortcomings, some in grammar, some in other areas. Only the most narrow of minds would conclude that the end all say all of your intellect is based on certain individual traits. Some people are mechanics, some people couldn't tie their own shoe, some rocket scientists are horrible people! Some are not. Just don't let Dunning Kruger rule your life a piece of paper doesn't mean you are more intelligent than the next guy nor does a letter! This is copy and paste for all the grammar nazis. I keep this in my note pad due to the fact that so many people just don't think deep enough to even see their own shortcomings.
It's the smugness that gets me. Being corrected is no big deal being wrong isnt even a big deal. Like me thinking mel brooks was dead i don't know why I was thinking he was dead I thought I'd heard it somewhere but i was wrong... whoops. Its the undertone of a pointless jab that is where the real ignorance sits. Plus tds recipients are generally the ones who play that psuedo game. I just see it ass someone that is trying to show some type of dominance yet if the time is taken to think on it it shows quite the opposite. It's just smugness and rudeness and ignorance all at once. Makes a block button seem like a nice feature.
Why don't you just pm me a location where we can meet up and study grammar and punctuation?
What did I hurt your feelings after you all came at me rudely to begin with now my posts are the most insulting hahaha okay well you don't have to read them or take part in the ignorance such as a few others have shown here... that's a personal choice just like my personal choice to give my opinion that is now considered the most insulting... isn't that funny... I don't get what's so insulting the fact that no one has the huevos to meet me for a study session? I mean that's all I've been saying? All I did was start a thread asking a simple question because some people are just so ignorant there is no reason for them  to have the ability to take part in posts because all they want to do is insult and be ridiculous and it makes this experience crappy.. I'd rather have the ability to exile them so I don't have to waste my time reading things that end up being nonsense. As a matter of fact a may just delete my account on here because the community is has to many trolls and all they wanna do is be douchy. I have a feeling I'm not the only one who sees this! I've really only been active here for a short time and it's almost like anything I post I have some clown making some meaningless argument or just being rude for no reason! I start a thread asking a simple question and look who shows up..  every douchbag on this site... if I had a block button I'd at least be able to undoubtedly get rid of the rift raft by just blocking all the clowns on this thread!!!
Anyone wanna go on a date? Serious pm me we can meet up fosho!! I'll show you a good time.
If I was a moderator I'd delete all of you because you make this no fun for people like me and I'm talking before this thread! So I guess I'm out I'm going to delete my profile here it's just not a place I want to be considering the riff raff.
Lol I don't care I'm already done with this site considering the popular riff raff crowd is to good for me with all their grammar and punctuation and super coolness.... and talk about negativity haha. The whole point of this was to find a way to separate myself from all you negative douchbags instead you all accumulates in one place haha it's funny. Every asshole on this site has to be front and center on this thread. You claim I offended you by calling you riff raff... sounds like you have a guilty concious? No matter what thread i start one of you clowns comes in with some negative connotations and your smug undertones... but that's just who you are the crowd that most likely nobody really likes on here. Your knowledge of hifi is irrelevant because no body wants advice from douchbags who every comment regardless of this thread has to have some kind of rudeness in it. That's why I made this thread to figure a way to not be annoyed with the ignorance of rude people. 
You aren't really making this a place anyone would want to be now I understand what some meant when they said this place was better. Probably long before I came.