blocked recipient/eBAY long

I recently bought a piece of tube equipment from a person who refused to give me a telephone number BUT was within 150 miles so I said what the heck, I'll take a drive and pick it up. She insisted on certified payment, no problem. When I sent her email to arrange the pickup, she said that I could pick it up at her husband's workplace (no problem, I appreciate a lady alone in a rural area has trepidations about a stranger's visit) at a mutually convenient time. Ok, no problem (actually this was done with some hemming and hawwing on the seller's part) - I gave her several times, at the last minute she said I can't pick it up next week they'll be away. When I sent email to finalize, this is the message I got.
This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
each recipient was rejected. (I have edited the name to protect the innocent - just xs.)

Reason: Service unavailable; [204.127.202.xx] blocked using, reason: Bible thumper

Please reply to
if you feel this message to be in error.
I have sent this to my Postmaster for clarification and also looked at the spam blocker website.


1. Has anyone else had this problem with a buyer or seller on eBAY or elsewhere?
2. How did you proceed?
3. I am about to notify eBAY that I consider the offer to buy null and void - I am no longer comfortable with this transaction. I think that this is reasonable, what do you think?

NB - I consider all replies as opinions only - I have a free will and will act accordingly. I hold neither A'gon or its members responsible for any actions I choose to take!


I am thinking about asking eBAY to remove me from their membership list. Do you think that this is a wise move? Any deleterious ramifications? (same NB applies!)
Ag insider logo xs@2xivanj

Showing 1 response by driver

You answered your question really-since you no longer feel comfortable then by all means follow your instincts.

As for staying with ebay, that's a personal choice. I've been a member for 3 years & transactions run the gamut. Here on A-gon every transaction has been great much but you still have to do a little research when buying & selling.

To further comment on your pending transaction if a seller (or buyer for that matter) refused to give me a phone # I would consider that strange & not go through with the deal. It's almost a necessity when doing an audio deal to get a "feel" for the other party & the phone call is a definite determining factor. Again, since you said you feel uncomfortable this is an indication of intuition telling you to beware. Lots of deals to had in the audio world so if at first you don't succeed....