“BLOCK” Function?

  I’ve tried a search here for such a function,and I’ve come up empty. Is there a way to block certain members? Not just from personal messages,but so they don’t show up in any topic I’m reading. Sometimes it’s nice to ask a question and learn something without someone trying to rub your nose in your lack of knowledge like a dog that did his business in the house.  I am all for learning from others. That’s one of the reasons I frequent this site. However,there are some folks here that do have vast knowledge, but are as abrasive as 40 grit sandpaper. For those folks I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.  


Showing 10 responses by rocray

I’m a little upset the mods felt the need to remove posts. Nothing sketchy was said. Especially for using the word nude.
Well on that note,I will just self moderate. If I don’t like ya,I’m just gong to move on like you ain’t there. Thanks? That was fun!
By no means am I for censorship. Well, maybe personal censorship. I’m not talking about mods running around deleting posts,I’m talking about my ability to remove those posts/posters. Make no mistake, this is still America,and everyone has a right to free speech. Sometimes,just sometimes it would be nice not to see the same old crap. I guess I’m living in fantasy land.
twoleftears,  please enlighten me on the filter function. How does it work,and how do I access it? 
I can honestly say, in the history of all my forum participations,I have never once,ever requested that someone’s post be removed. Last I checked,both testicles are in place. Their hanging a little lower at my age,but hey,ya can’t have everything. I also think that you might not get the gist of what I am trying to convey. I’m not talking about anybody having anything deleted. Let me explain it this way. When I was a kid,I used to watch football with my dad.(God rest his soul) He absolutely could not stand Howard Cosell. So what would dad do? He wouldn’t change the channel,he would get up and turn the volume off. That’s right,I remember when tv’s didn’t have remotes. So my dad and I would watch the game with out own commentary. I just thought I would be nice to have a “mute” button for some members.
So like my dad,I would like to turn the volume off on the Howard Cosell’s around here. No one would be censored or deleted publicly, just on my screen. Sorry if some people don’t agree with my opinion. Feel free to block me.
Just for the record,I was never bullied. However,I see it every day. I just thought how nice it would be to not have to read insults. We’re supposed to be adults. From what I’ve seen,some are,and pretend. That’s why I’m going go my merry way, and read only what I choose,and skim my way by the rest.   Best of luck,