Blind squirrels and such-Ncore 400

Prior to a couple months ago, I had never read an electronics schematic and didn't know a transistor from a transformer. Nor had I ever soldered. This weekend a pair of Ncore 400 blocs were successfully cobbled together despite the limitations noted. Youtube and DIY to the rescue. Solders are probably ugly-I don't see well enough to know, but it works. Big sound. More extension on both ends, controls the bottom, nice inner detail. A little phasey sounding right now with vocalists in particular being a vague with respect to location. Will see what happens as they settle in. Point? If you've been thinking about taking this project on-go for it! If a visually limited old geezer can figure these out, almost anyone can.

Showing 1 response by fiddler

You will have to wait hundreds of hours before you hear what these amps can do. I was very happy with the detail, soundstage, drive, etc. early on, but the warmth and emotion didn't show up for a loooooong time. Be patient. You will be rewarded.

You might want to take a closer look at your solder joints just to make sure you don't have problems around the corner.