Blind Listening Tests?

I would like help locating any articles or studies on the subject of blind listening tests as it relates to high end audio equipment. I realize this is akin to blasphemy for many who are into this hobby, however, the more times I read of people claiming to hear audible differences between certain components and system set-ups, the more skeptical I become.(e.g. equipment racks ,interconnects,etc.)The fact that virtually every major audio publication is so adamently against the idea only adds to my skepticism.

Before I invoke the wrath of this site's faithful, let me clarify that I am not doubting the sincerity of those who claim to hear sonic differences between certain components. However, believing that an audible difference exists when one knows that he is listening to a piece of equipment that is generally well regarded or made by a well respected manufacturer is entirely different from being able to detect the difference in a blind listening scenario. Given the undisputed connection between the mind and our perceptions, why is there so much sentiment against such tests? Couldn't the results of such testing be simply another piece of information that we could factor in to our purchasing decisions. It seems to me that those who are so sure of ther critical listening ability (i.e. all stereophile reviewers) should not hesitate to prove their skills.

I look forward to any help in directing me to more information on the subject.Thanks, Don.
JD: Way hilarious post. My wife wanted to know if you are related to Dale of Dale's Dead Bug, or is the writing style just a coincidence?
I did some blind testing while shopping for a big screen tv recently,and i definitly thought the pioneer elite had suprior sound to the toshiba,but in the end i told the salesman the pictures were both toooooo dark.
Garfish:..... Have we progressed to Triple-blind-testing now?
Detlof: ......I neutralized the minuses/ was that a good thing? It was good for me.
Jadem6:...... Outstanding novel. Even Woddy Allen,Marty Scorse,James Cameron et al;have to cut / I'll wait till the movie comes out. Is that a coincidence? / I think not.
George, shall I get some more, to make you feel even better? Glad to and thanks!
Just a quick thank-you to all who have expressed there enjoyment of my post, it's nice to see we can have a little fun without taking our selves too seriously. I doubt too many of you will believe this, but the 20 rats exposed to designer cords were found in my lab this morning when I came in to clean up. It seems they let themselves in through the air conditioning vent and were able to assemble a very crude electronic synthesizer. The twenty of them were working as a team (orchestra of sorts) and producing the most incredible variation of Mozart's "First Movement (Allegro) from Sonata No.15 in C Major". Coincidence, Oh I truthfully think not! J.D.

Sorry Dekay, I'm not actually related to anyone who would claim me.
"Not related to anyone who would claim me" Reminds me : /when I was 3or 4;our family moved. It took 3 or 4 months but I found them. Jaydem6, Who says we injoyed your post? About the recent 20 rats;we ALL believe you. "Coincidence? I truly think, (not)" This is actually 100xs better than "My speakers kill your speakers" Thanks,JD. Good ride!!
PS: I will also assume that the cancer in the rats exposed to stock cable is in remission. Life on the Internet can be a positive addition to life in the real world after all.
The rodie for the Greatful Dead could actually see the distortion from the speakers. I know, some of you may scoff at this, but for those of us with highly developed audio abilities blind testing is clearly out of the question.
How much is the effect on the sound quality of the component under blind tested due to the addition of switching gear? You gotta have switching in order to test right away in between different tested components.
Good switching will not affect the sound quality. That can be tested for by doing a double-blind test on the ABX switcher itself, by swapping it with straight wire to see if the listener can distinguish the difference.
Katharina said it best: "double-deaf listening tests". LOL Because that's how useless this testing methodology is, at least to us.
Bob_bundus: Double-blind testing is useful only if you want to know what is truly audible. If your main interest is nameplates, model numbers, and prices, it's not useful because it might at times show a non-existant or even inverse relationship between price and performance. But rest assured, if you fear ever having to judge audio gear solely on how it sounds and not on knowing or being told beforehand what you're listening to, there's little chance you'll ever be put to that test.

But this controversy reminds me of this joke: The drummer stepped outside before the recording session and was surprised to see the guitar player outside already, but sobbing. "What's wrong?" the drummer asked. "Here we've got this important session to play, and the bass player detuned one of my strings!" the weeping guitarist answered. The drummer then asked, "So why don't you just tune it up again?" Protested the guitarist, "But he won't tell me which string it was!"
70242.241, How could there be an inverse relationship between price and proformance? I thought you just finished enlightening us on how there can be NO difference. Kind of proving yourself to be a bit two faced, huh. CHAH!
702..not so seriously intended but for the sake of a little laugh, which I hope you can share:
Who would you be in this your little story? The guitarist or the bass player...and p l e a s e don't say "the drummer". Regards,
Jadem6: Your imagination is running amok. I never said there could never be any difference in performance between pieces of audio gear.

Detlof: You're right, I'm no drummer. I'd be the engineer in the control room. ;)
702 thanks for your clever and witty response. Nice to have you on board, though we often disagree. But that makes life interesting.
There is a german psychologists study of 3 audio systems blind tested to more than 50 members of the public. Very interesting, the trouble is I can't remember which web site I read it on. Might be linked through audio asylum, or audionove.

Blind tests are complex, not just because some of the differences are percieved over time, and in ways which are difficult if not impossible to articulate.

As far as your scepticism of some refinements, I was too, but you can hear differences clearly if you exagerate. If you have biwireable speakers, wire the bass with ordinary shopping mall quality wire, and the highs with a decent audiograde. Then reverse the two. The difference should be easily heard.