Blessed Yes of Baton Rouge

Look for this group to make its name on a major label next yr. Heard their song, Trace on KLSU last night. Might not be music for most of you here, but if anyone likes cool pop, called Indie music, this group ROCKS!
Takes me back to my teen yrs in the late 60's early 70's. I only heard the song last night, and see I missed out on 2 local concerts they gave here in Baton Rouge. Brooke sings volcals/piano, increbible lovey voice. Adam on guitar I prefer much more to his influence, U@. This guy can play.
Great future ahead and I'm happy that a group like this will be successful considering all the c**P out there that is making money.
Blessed Yes lost out on the MTVU contest to guess who....a california band,,,,wouldn't you know it.
I heard the winners songs, they have nothing on Blessed Yes.
Ck out their web site and also their site.
Yeah I know Trace has a tiny rough spot in the drums, but for a band less than 1 yr together, not bad at all.
My kinda of music.

Baton Rouge
Just the name would be enough to get my vote, but there's obviously much more. I liked Trace, and Good Graces too, but I can't decide if I want to take home the puppy until I can hear the lyrics better. I am guessing that I will like them, be able to endorse them and let them move me, but I can't tell for sure at the resolution of the audio stream. What I can tell is that the singer's voice is great for the untrained voices we hear so many of today, and she has NO annoying mannerisms I can detect on first listen. The guitar is good too, and yes there is that rough spot, the drummer should have stayed discreet a lot longer than the first couple of bars IMHO.

Sorry they didn't win the MTV contest but that doesn't say anything about the quality of the music! If I want to know more I guess I'll have to buy the album. Thanks for the reference Bartokfan...
Folks love the name, forgetting about the religious overtones.
The words to Trace are really neat, very specail little love song. I love the words and believe the message is one of healing and the brings to mind mind the true idea about Eros, as the universal principal ( the gnostic Gilles Quispel wrote a paper on Eros)
The singer's voice, Brooke really has the lovelist tones, expessions, a very beautiful voice. Her key board work is equal to her vocal skills.
One very talented young girl.
The lead guitarist, Adam, has that U2 style , but I get much more from Adam's playing than U2. I prefer Adam's playing to U2.
The weakest link as you say is the drummer and needs work, or a replacement. But I suspect with this band, all are part of the family and so the drummer will no doubt stay. Keep in mind the band has only been together as of 1 year.
I got lucky one night last week driving my car, turned on KLSU and at the very first few notes of the song, I knew right away, this is one great song. Then the singer's voice hit me, then Adam's incredible playing, and the words, most escaped my hearing, were something cool as well.
I missed their 2 live shows at a local here in BR. I guess will be back this summer.
There was a reason the california band won the MTVU contest. I heard the winners songs. No where close to Blessed Yes.
You will see Blessed Yes at the top of the Indie style music charts, in 07, maybe 08.
You know back when I grew up in the 60's there was only one top 10 list. Now pop culture music is broken down into dozens of styles.
I think Blessed Yes will appeal to more groups than strictly Indie music fans. But not sure if it will make it #1 on MTV's countdown. Most of those top 10's are rap and other forms of metal and such. Most of which i find offensive sonding.
Guess it goes back to the topic,
"What is bad music, what is good?"

Go read the words to Trace, simple yet great message.