Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck

I moved into a way larger room, roughly 20x24 and the 802D’s just ain’t cutting the mustard. Looking for good options that can pound out bass in a large room with 500-1000 high end watts (pass or levinson etc)

Currently running 2 JL Fathom F113’s so it’s not low bass, it’s a speaker that can pump concert level music playing rap, hip hop, reggae, rock and classical/audiophile stuff  etc. but I need my rig to blast rap and hiphop impressively more than anything. 


2nd the vote for large Legacy speakers. I have a pair of Aeris and they are the first speakers that come close to providing the same feeling I used to get when I was involved with SPL car audio competition. Good luck!

It would be a shame to use the Dunlavy for shake purpose only.  I used to be on board with the big Klipsches but as I grew older I grew wiser and no longer think of them as "hard rocking" or loud speakers. They simply get too harsh at super high volumes unless you've done some crazy mods or treatment. I always felt the mids/highs kept going with the bass trying to keep up (yes with the Klipschorn too).  I've had Khorns, La Scalas, Cornwalls, Chorus, Forte, CF3 etc.. I'd say the best sounding speaker when cranking to party levels is the Chorus 2.  

But after owning the Tekton Double Impact, I find them just as loud but much more pleasing at the high volume. They don't scream at you as much and you sense more of the lower/midbass thumb/slam.  


Do try the Volti Audio Rivals! Very efficient (98 + db according to Stereophile), can play VERY loud w/ not many good watts & most importantly, sound excellent! Big, open, dynamic but also detailed, nuanced w/ a beautiful midrange & image. Email or call Greg Roberts (owner, designer & builder) & talk w/ him in TN. They easily have the dynamics of any Klipsch but also the smoothness & detail of any speaker close to their price range ($12 - $18K depending on style & finish).