Bi Wire Question

I would like to Bi Wire a set of Mirage 595is to a NAD 7020 Receiver.

The Receiver has 2 sets of terminals.
I assume I can use both A and B sets?

If so.....from the A section on Receiver say left channel....a run from receiver + to high pass + on speaker and from receiver - to lhigh pass - on speaker? Same for right. 

And from B section on receiver the same as above but will be going into low pass of speaker?


If your adding two amps sources to your speakers, make sure you remove the jumpers from the speakers, ay. I know it something you thought of. BUT some folks forget and leave the jumper in. It is ok if you Bi-wire, but not if you Bi-amp.. That can cause a problem.. I'm guessing that's what your doing.. 

In any case the heavier of the two cables use that for the bass section.. 

Enjoy ..


Thank you that was the answer I was looking for from a hookup perspective.
I assume I can use both A and B sets?
If so.....from the A section on Receiver say left channel....a run from receiver + to high pass + on speaker and from receiver - to lhigh pass - on speaker? Same for right.
And from B section on receiver the same as above but will be going into low pass of speaker?
Yes, you can use both A and B.
The speakers selector on your NAD 7020 Receiver will works as a jumper, you need to switch the speakers selector to A+B.
"...Did I say I was looking for more power?..."

No, you didn't, nor did you tell us the reason you want to use bi-wire and both taps. I was just guessing. Still am. 
If you run both taps on most receivers, it will run the amp at half the impedance. Probably not a good idea on an old amp. There is really no need and you will not get any benefit out of it. The other thing to consider is that a better single run of cable will sound better than two runs of a lessor cable. I hope something I said helps but I'm still in the dark. 
Did I say I was looking for more power?

We are not talking Bi Amping folks.
We are taliknig Bi wiring.
The NAD has preout Jumpers.
In my room the 7020 NAD outperforms my Carver M500t @250 watts.

Can anyone actually answer my question from a "hookup" perspective?

russ69 is right. If you are using anything from 14 gauge or larger bi wiring is not going to do a thing. If the NAD has preamp outputs save up for a more powerful amplifier and you can use the NAD as a preamp.
If you are looking for more power, get a more powerful amp (or very efficient loudspeakers). Doing what you are suggesting is not going to give you the results you are looking for. 
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