Bi-wire options

i thought it would be better to post this question in a cable circle than out in the open. here are some bi-wire options that i have run across and would like to get your impressions on the sonic benefits of each.
1) cable attached to the upper posts.
2) cables attached to the lower posts.
3) keep the two neg. posts shorted and cables attached to the upper or lower posts.
4) attach the pos. cable to the upper post and the neg. cable to the lower post (diagonally)


Showing 1 response by rsjm80

Just to add to the mix my Apogee's are biwired and with my cables the connection is to the normal positive/negitive terminals without jumpers or else they would be out of phase from the amp. Having them strapped or using jumpers they sound good but, biwired thay are amazing, it just depends, sometimes you have to try and see, but be cognasent of the phasing or else no matter waht you do your result will turn out less than you're looking for.