
Can I use 2 NAD 2200 amps(Continuous 100 watt) as mono-blocks sending split left and right signals to each amp then use both L&R terminals on each amp to send to Paradigm Monitor 11's V.3
Sensitivity -- Room 91dB 94dB / 91dB
Suitable Amplifier Power Range 15 – 250 watts
Maximum Input Power 180 watts**
Yup, pretty much straight from the amp to the drivers.

Not necessarily take out the passive crossover, but at least bypass it.

Yes, electronic crossover or sometimes passive crossover before the power amps so they only amplify a limited range of frequencies intended for the specific drivers.

To do it is often not very practical or necessary (IMO) for most home audio situations. The crossovers designed these days for good speakers work pretty well. I think it would be hard for the average person to improve upon the built in passive design in most cases.

I think Whoaru99 has got you to where you need to be. But, please read and understand all that is written about using an active or passive crossover before your amplifiers and bypassing your speakers crossovers.

You cannot bypass your speaker crossovers without some sort of frequency attenuation before your amplifiers (active or line level passive crossover). Forgive me if I am repeating something you know, better for me to be an idiot, than have you bust a couple of speaker tweeters.

Jim S.
I will have to purchase a electronic crossover before I bypass the passive in speakers, Any ideas on a good one???

I really appreciate all the information you guys have provided, I am not very educated on terms, so I quess it was hard for me to describe what I was trying to accomplish, but you guys interpreted well.
Thanks Jim S, Whoaru99, electroid and greg, I will post on here again after the holidays when I get everything set up.

Also any suggestions on what guage power cable for the nad's to replace stock ones?
BTW....I bought the first NAD2200 on ebay for $200.00(great deal I think)but Looks like the 2nd NAD 2200 amp deal is falling apart(here on audiogon) You guys know anywhere else to check for a 2200?
Or is there another model NAD amp that I could purchase That would work better for 2nd amp?