Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce's new album RENAISSANCE is out, her first studio effort in six years. The recording material was attended by Jay-Z, Skrillex, Drake and Grace Jones.



Showing 3 responses by sns

Seems like another artist whose persona/marketing gets in the way of possible enjoyment. I'm not one who enjoys the constant marketing hype or peering into the personal life of famous people, therefore, have tendency to ignore these artists. Have to say, on more than one occasion have been pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed some of these artist's output, Beyonce included in this.


Sometimes its difficult to let go of certain prejudices/biases towards certain artists and genres, letting go has allowed me to enjoy far more music than I would have with closed mind.

@dayglow I"m not making this claim for everyone, give me a break. This is my own experience, and what I've observed with certain others over my lifetime.


I still have my prejudices/biases that keep me from ability to enjoy other genres/artists. Are you making claim you're devoid of prejudice/bias of any sort?


Beyonce won't be everyone's cup of tea, nor will any artist or genre for that matter, but the generalized attacks on artists or genres only expose one's biases/prejudices. This type of attack is very transparent and  overt on this thread.


@adasdad  There is a contagion in this society with necessity to publish any and all dislikes, hatreds to the point it becomes impulse. Symptom of culture of complaint, 24/7, 365 celebration of Festivus. 


All this grievance sometimes makes me want to go back to 'sunshine pop' days and listen to some Partridge Family, Archies, Cowsills, Free Design. So now lets hear some hate for these bands and music.


Don't like this, how about some psychedelia, oops, we got hatred for this.


How about some Glenn Gould, Art Blakey or Metallica, oh some more hate on the way.


And how about the Eagles, now everyone loves the Eagles, don't they?