Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists?

When these two camps retire to their listening rooms, which school of thought tends to get better sound? Those who ultimately place their faith in measurements above actually listening to their systems? Or those of us who look at measurements, but ultimately make our decisions based on what subjectively sounds best to us?


Showing 1 response by asvjerry

I like @mapman too....omni fans are hard to find, off enjoying the things. *L*

Objective is measured in plots and purpose, both good to have but only the point to make or jump from towards.

Subjectivity is what we experience and respond to; sometimes well, not hard to keep when discussing the same.  It's hard to translate moments into meanings that can only hint at the subject....

My stuff ain't SOTA, but I don't let that stop me.

Nor I towards all y'all.*S*

@noske, yeah I learned that cringe from the Women in Black.  Well-intentioned, no most things that revolve on being blind....

Harsh, perhaps...much like the candy-coated thing called 'history', lived through.


'Bots don't hurt...much...yet