Best way to steam audio from PC to analog receiver

Ok the mission is how to get music from my Win7 64 bit home premium PC to my Sansui 9090db (sorry wood floor so can not hardwire.

i will use no Apple products ;-( WhaT I would like is I guess a bluetooth device that ran on Ac power and would have some trype of remote so I could at least change tunes if I wanted.

Currently I have a OOntz bluetooth player (its a bluetooth speaker) that speaker has buttone on it so I can swith tunes as well as adjust volume. So my thought there must be something out there that would work my Pc ans Sansui. Btw the OONTZ sounds very good but I want to use my Sansui and PC is at all possible.

I was looking at Ebay, Amazon, and Newegg and there is so many devices out there I really do not know where to start and would really hate to just tossing money down the drain righ off the batt;;-0

BTW I did see this:
Logitech Squeezebox I guess its no longer made would something like that work? I believe its WIFI which would be btter then bluetooth I think. But again since its discontinued the software can no longer be used.

I really do not think I need a DAC as if I use the headphone out hardwired to the receiver it sounds great.

Problem is I can not run wires due to hardwood floors and a rug is not a option.
I have had Audioengine, Yamaha (coax out only) and Nuforce bluetooth receivers plugged into an integrated or dac. All fit the bill for me.
I'm another Touch user as well.

There are a lot of good devices that will do the job of getting your music to the receiver. I have found that the key is the human interface. I suggest you see what you can find out what you can about them, download the manuals etc. and find out what streaming services are available.
Well, my Squeezebox Touch works just fine. The software is still available and works fine too - it's just not being updated by Logitech anymore. That said, the Touch is only available used (and at premium prices to boot - it's that good). If you would feel more comfortable with something current, you could look at something like this. There are other options available but this should give you an idea of what to look for.