Best way to measure an Amp's power capability

Hello Everyone, 
As we all know not all watts are created equally. A 1,000 watt amp from brand A can be trounced by a 100 watt brand B amp. 

So what is the best way of telling if an amp is high current just by reading the specs or may be by looking at the inside of an amp?

What should one look for?

Thanks in advance! 

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

The answer is really that it's complicated.  The issue isn't just a matter of power and current but the speaker impedance and how the amp interacts with it.

Some speakers may have a dip  in the mid bass, causing a dip in amp output.  Well, that may sound really good to your ears! :)

My suggestion is to always listen to an amp/speaker combination, at levels you actually like to listen at.

However, if you want to study this further, take a look at how Stereophile measures amplifier response, especially tube amps and the simulated speaker load.