Best way to determine shipping charges

I recently listened to an episode of Steve Guttenberg’s “Audiophiliac Podcast,” in which he interviewed an audiophile with 20+ years at UPS.  Great info on packaging components for sale, well worth seeking out if you’re a shipping novice like me.

I’m wondering if there’s a “best” technique for figuring out shipping charges.  I know there are general guidelines on the carriers’ websites, but are there other ways to determine fairly precise charges?  I have a few items I plan to sell this summer.  I don’t want to gouge anyone, but I don’t want to lose $$ in the process, either.

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Showing 1 response by carlsbad

I print my own shipping labels and save at least 50% over what most sellers charge.  I just shipped an 88lb amp for $65.  I self insure.  If you package well, you will never have a claim.

I always price things shipped.  That makes it much easier for buyers and things sell much faster.

As a buyer, my offer is always "$XXXX shipped".  I want the seller to understand that he is responsible to deliver the item to me.  I make no shipping decisions so that there can be no "but I shipped it the way you wanted me to."   The only thing I tell the seller about shipping is, "no hurry, take whatever time you need to ship it safely."

To estimate shipping, I sometimes just put in my college address in Chicago and calculate shipping from CA to Chicago to give me an idea.

I ship using paypal shipping which is now ship station. there are other ways to buy postage online including directly from USP, Fedex, or USPS.
