Best Way To Archive Vinyl On My PC

I have a metric $#%&load of vinyl that I'd like to archive on my PC. The native sound card has to go. I already have the PC-to-stereo big rig connection in place, and it functions. Now, I'd like to stereo-to-PC, so I can play all the vinyl using my good TT, into my PC. It looks like there's a movement afoot to go to PCI E sound cards. My current PC has only PCI sockets, so maybe USB is the way to go. I'm not sure. I'll probably go FLAC, WAV, etc. if I can find the space. Right now, all my tunes are high-bitrate MP3s, or M4As.

Any advice on this?
Read Michael Fremer's review of Pure Vinyl. Forget everything else. It handles RIAA digitally.
Correction on my last post. It won't make any difference whether you run it "line in, line out" on your pre, or direct to the Benchmark. The ability to monitor is a good thing.

Seldenr, after extensive critical listening to the playlist of my vinyl, I've come to the conclusion that any shortcomings are in the original analog domain.

Although I have a large vinyl collection which was the result of natural accumulation before CD, I wasn't into high end audio. Once I got into high end, my analog lagged behind. I've discovered that with my humble A to D conversion rig, the shortcomings are in the analog domain as opposed to the digital. You won't have that problem.

In regard to the "pop removal", mine works very well; but I only use it on records that need it. I would think going directly into the Benchmark will yield the best results. I'm using Windows 7, if non-defeatable volume control is eating bits, it hasn't eaten so many that I can tell the difference.

Your post was highly beneficial, and I'm sure you will get the best results.
Hey guys:

I did not have much time, so only able to generally scan the mails above, but really enjoyed the thread!! I also have a few thousand LPs and decided I wanted to archive them since I have very little time to play vinyl with a house full of kids. After spending some time on computer audiophile I also purchased the Benchmark ADC1 A to D converter and am using Audacity as the recording software (at the recommendation of Benchmark, who was very helpful).

I have learned a few things, and have a couple of questions, so post them here just in case they are helpful:
1. Although I use a PC running Vista, Benchmark recommends Macs since they claim that Windows 7 has a non-defeatable volume control that eats bits. I have no comment on that one.
2. I have queried an audio engineer friend who has recommended a few other software programs (Reaper was high on his list). I have not tried them but am not convinced they would make any sound difference. Any experience there?
3. I am trying a couple different USB cables (the forums are full of comments but would like to judge for myself). Any experience or recommendation?
4. Right now my main question is whether I should run from the phono preamp into my stereo preamp then into the Benchmark, or directly to the Benchmark from the phono preamp? The former allows me to monitor the process on my main system, but the latter should theoretically sound better since it bypasses one device.

For what it is worth I recall that one of the more experienced fellows over at Computer Audiophile recommended exporting to flac at 24/96, so that is what I am doing. Relatively painless (but a bit time consuming).

Result: After much learning and experimenting I finished my first LP. I must admit I was very, very pleased with the result (playing through J River Media Center). I chose not to use any pop removal programs, and ended up not even deleting the slight noise in the silence between tunes (now tracks). It was only slight to begin with and reminded me that it was analogue vinyl after all.

For the completists, since it seems to be relevant to the posts above, my system is an Oracle Delphi V TT, Basis Vector TA, Benz Ruby 3 cart, Cary phono pre through Cary SLP88 pre into an HP with Vista laptop, BAT amp and Wilson Sophia speakers.

Just thought you might be interested in the experience of another would-be archivist, just starting the journey. Thanks for the thread!

Licorice, for the record: none of my post's indicated that I recommended anything that I used to download vinyl. Archive is too sophisticated a word to describe what I've done.

Now I'm going to describe what I will do in order to archive my vinyl. The Benchmark ADC1 USB A-to-D converter with USB is what I'll use. Benchmark's UltraLock clock system insures the audio will never get contaminated with jitter-induced artifacts from a poor-quality computer based clock. This unit is capable of streaming at rates up to 96KHZ/24 bit without installing any drivers.

I will also purchase a reference quality cartridge with the intention of selling it back after I've finished archiving my vinyl. The best rig will insure the best sound I've ever heard.

This is a very important thread and ALL of the options available should be posted for others who want to archive their vinyl.
Licoricepizza, I'm glad you are enjoying the music and get an idea of what a recording from the Korg sounds like in 16/44.1 redbook resolution. good luck with your archiving all nice trips, it's no fun until you start!

Peace, GH
Well, I received an nice care package in the mail from fellow Audiogon list member Ghasely. It was pair of CDs made on the Korg using DSD. The sample rate was set for my current sound card, which is a paltry 16/44.1. The CDs still sound great. Better still, it's music I like, but don't already own. Perfect sound forever? I don't think so, but it does sound way better than I would have imagined, and any limitation is on my end.

To sum up, I would be more than happy using a Korg unit. It's definitely something I oould not only live with owning, bt be proud of, too.
"Orpheus just wishes you leave Orpheus out all together."

Agreed, i'm not trying to flame you, i just saw where you mentioned me again in your post and stated it was either you can't hear or you have the best vinyl to digital......i'll leave that to others to decide which is which.

I do agree with you, parts quality is important....almost as important as the designers implementation of same. I'm glad you are digging your music.

We can call a truce if you like, consider this an olive branch! Now, back to the purpose of this forum which is to learn from one another and avoid the pitfalls that populate this hobby.
Orpheus, REALLY? REALLY!?!?

Licorice and others who may be interested, simply check with your local pro audio dealer and see if you can demo one and see for yourself. Demoing is the only way and listen in your system. Archiving vinyl does take time so starting the process with a satisfactory recording chain is paramount. I happen to find it enjoyable to record an album a few times a week.

Orpheus has discovered a way to record his vinyl in the following manner, as I understand it:
His turntable connected to his phono stage, then connected to his DAK box (ca $70), then connected to his Soundblaster pc soundcard (ca $100~) recorded real time to his pc hard drive. He plays back through his Music Streamer dac (ca $150). He doesn't mention his associated equipment or cabling, all of which I am sure is excellent, but it would be helpful if it was listed.

I have listed 1 way to record your vinyl, there are others. Any of them are better than nothing but our time is pretty valuable so I was merely looking for a manner that replicated as closely as I could the nuances and special sound qualities that vinyl brings to the table. The Korg is an easy method. Plug it in, connect some interconnects, cue the vinyl, press record. Once you have recorded to the Korg, move the files to your PC hard drive, convert to the sample rate(s) of your choosing from your DSD master and you are good to go.

Another way that is probably better in many areas is to buy a Mac, buy Pure Vinyl, buy a microphone pre amp, buy an analog to digital coverter and record directly from your turntable, bypassing the RIAA equalizer that is built in to your phono stage. The pure vinyl software will accept sample rates up to 24/192 and then the Pure Vinyl software can manipulate the data, automatically records/stops with the needle drop and has sophisticated tick/pop removal algorithms to minimize those artifacts. Pure Vinyl has all of the RIAA eq curves built in and you can choose from the many variations introduced over the past 60 or so years to see which one is best for the particular recording. I chose the Korg because it was inexpensive in audiophle terms and uncomplicated.

I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone as Orpheus implies nor am I trying to convince anyone this is the best way....I am however saying this is the best inexpensive way to record your vinyl at the highest digital resolution currently available, 5.6 mhz DSD. I just wish Orpheus would list his system and the sample rates/recording format so you can evaluate the reproduction chain.

For the record again (I've listed this is another thread, but for context) my current main system is as follows:

Rega P5/Exact 2/TTPSU
VAC Sigma 160i (utilizing inboard phono stage, NOS 12AX7 Mullards)
Playback Designs MPD-3 DAC
KORG MR2000S Digital DSD recorder
Wilson Audio Duettes
Running Springs Jaco power conditioner
Cardas Clear Light speaker cables and interconnects throughout
Cardas Clear M power cables
Locus Design Polestar USB cable to DAC
I must be deaf or I have the best vinyl to PC. I'm listening to digital vinyl that I just down loaded and I can't tell the difference. I don't imagine Ghasley knows it, but that box of his is made up of transistors, diodes, and capacitors; and the bottom line is which box has the best transistors, diodes, and capacitors; not the name on the box. If his box was so good, he wouldn't have to use me for a "straw dog" in order to sell it.
I definitely prefer vinyl, I just hate having to move the entire collection when we move into a different house. I've moved the whole analog empire twice now. I'm sure there will be more to follow.
I'm hoping to only archive the LPs I don't already have digitally, all the bootlegs, rare gems, etc. Otherwise I'd be well North of 60 before I'm done.
Believe me, I have thought about how long this will take me. I dread it. ...All that said, I would rather listen to a record than anything else. There is no comparison.

Licorice, if those quotes are how you really feel, why would you want to do something you dread doing in order to listen to a format you don't like rather than the format you like more than anything else?
The Korg is a very impressive piece of technology, but I would caution against using it as a DSD recorder for long-term, archival, purposes. The Korg relies upon dedicated software for sample rate/format conversion. The Korg can operate as a fully functional, highly competent archival recorder as long as the company supports this software. The question is whether Korg will continue to support updates for the software over time as new CPUs and system software becomes available? Over a five year time span I don't think anybody knows the answer. You might actually be better off using the Korg as a high bit/sample rate recorder.

I'm using a five year horizon because that's what it would take to digitize 5,000 albums if you were extremely diligent.
Onhwy61 is correct, there are numerous ways to get the data onto your PC or your Mac and most will be enjoyable. We should however all check back in 5 years and I believe most manufacturers still in business will have adopted, embraced and furthered the DSD format. The beauty of recording in DSD is that you are not limited to DSD or PCM. You could archive in 5.6mhz DSD (double the resolution of SACD) and output to any PCM format you choose, optimizing playback through your current digital player of choice. Most of the solutions out there as mentioned in Onhwy61's post require you to make a sample rate commitment up front be it 24/96, 16/44.1 or 24/192. There simply isn't a more affordable way to archive at the highest quality available.

As far as Korg and whether they will be making DSD recorders 5 years from now.....well, they have been in business since 1963, have been making DSD recorders since 2006 and when you look at what about $1500 gets you, it is really an amazing bargain. I have no affiliation to Korg other than as a consumer but as a method to record your music from an analog signal digitally, there is simply no better $1500 solution available. I am however always open to new ideas and equipment. Something may come out next week that addresses everything for less and since I am always glad to try something new. I would urge you to call your local Korg dealer and see if they have a MR2000 in stock available for demo to try it. Good luck all.
Believe me, I have thought about how long this will take me. I dread it. The only upside that I see is listening to ton of good vinyl that I haven't heard in a while.

Right now, all of my LPs are sitting in custom-made shelves. The last time I moved, I had 29 boxes of LPs that were moved with me. What a pain. All that said, I would rather listen to a record than anything else. There is no comparison.

The technology seems to keep evolving, so I certainly don't want to jump on the digital bandwagon, only to find that I can't listen to my music anymore. Computers are going from PCI to PCI-E, MP3 has evolved into M4A, etc. It goes on, and on.

It took years to build a good stereo, and more years (a lifetime) to collect all those records. I certainly don't want to part with them lightly.
Licoricepizza, before starting upon your task you should do a quick estimate of how many years it will take you to complete it. Let's say it takes you 5 years to finish. Do you think Korg will still be making or supporting a DSD recorder five years from now? Will there be DSD decoders five years from now? My point is that archiving vinyl is a very time consuming task and you should be wary about boxing yourself into dedicated hardware/software formats.

Benchmark, Metric Halo and Apogee all make PCM based A/D converters with either USB or Firewire interfaces built in for computer connectivity. Lynx makes a number of PCI or PCe cards for connecting an outboard A/D or D/A to a computer.
After reading all the flames getting slung about, let me clarify my original post. I do have a lot of vinyl (~5,000 LPs), and somehow, I'd like to put them in a digital format so they're easier to ______. I love my vinyl, my TT rig isn't the best, but it damn near kills me to go digital - I'm an analog kind of guy. I'll retain vinyl of my favorites, but most will get converted.

I realize that the PC is full of nasties, but it's great for storage. I just need to find a good way of going from vinyl to digital, while introducing the fewest amount of digital nastiness.
If the acronym HRT made you think of Hormone Replacement Therapy, let us to introduce you to High Resolution Technologies, a USB DAC specialist.

The Music Streamer II, available through, is its most affordable model, yet it's good enough to make the average laptop sound like proper hi-fi.

Take a look at the input end of the device and there are two clues as to what makes the HRT special.

The first is that there are lights labelled with frequencies from 32k to 96k, indicating that unlike some rivals, the Music Streamer II can handle 24-bit files at 96kHz through USB

The second is the text saying 'asynchronous USB', which shows that it takes charge of clock duties when connected to your computer.

Simply plug your computer into the USB connection on one end, connect your hi-fi using the analogue outputs on the other, and the small but solid HRT handles the digital-to-analogue conversion.

And it does so in serious style. Playing The Far Road from The Road soundtrack, the sound is precise and fluid.

The leading edges of notes are terrifically well-defined, but they degrade with organic subtlety and realism. Detail and dynamics are exceptional, revealing every nuance in the haunting recording.

It's simply a perfectly balanced, bold and beautiful delivery, and for a DAC costing just £150, that's an incredible feat.

Sure, if you've got multiple sources that need converting, something like the Cambridge Audio DacMagic might serve you better, but if you're after a USB-only DAC, this is a great buy.

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Onhwy61, you are correct and I should have just let the thread go its on way, without commentary. I originally just thought that Orpheus didn't know what he was talking about. As far as "state of the art", the Korg is not what I would call state of the art. I would call it a highly effective solution without the need for alot of technical knowledge.

As far as what the original poster was wanting, unlike some, I actually took the time to read some of his posts PRIOR to commenting. I saw where he uses a VPI record cleaner daily and the rituals he uses to play back vinyl I found consistent with those looking for a high quality method. If I misread the intent of the OP, well then my apologies again. As far as picking on Orpheus for his insistence on recommending the Soundblaster, again, I apologize to the community at large.
Orpheus, there are in fact some similarities with the neighborhood analogy. Peaceful, check. Share with others, check. Open to learning from others, check. Each person is different, check. Soundblaster sound cards are not suitable for high quality audio, check. Anyone who says otherwise may be misguided and we should not pick on them, check. For that reason, I will try to refrain from further communication with you. The temptation may prove too attractive, we'll just have to see.

The dialogue with you can be frustrating because you obviously love music, as do I. You won't list your equipment or methods so others may evaluate your position to determine if there is sufficient validation of your assertions. You have now descended into the na-na na-na-na category which I find consistent with your apparent depth of knowledge. Over the course of my almost 30 yearcareer, I have worked with some wonderful people from all walks of life, with all different perspectives and levels of knowledge. Measuring in the thousands by now, I never once worked with anyone like you. I guess I never took the time I'm sorry to say....I typically just let them go and opened the position for someone who had room to grow. Good luck and again, I strongly assert, I am glad you enjoy your music played back through your system, that's all that matters.
Ghastly, why the need to bash a fellow audiophile? Reading between the lines I do not think the OP was looking for a SOTA archive system.
Actually yes, there are stop signs and I am able to converse with all of the friendly people in my neighborhood about the goings on in the world. The economy, our health, our families....all pleasant. Most are employed, the unemployed typically by choice due to fortunate circumstances.

Ghasley, do you have any stop signs in your neighborhood? If so, tell them about your problem.
Orpheus, are you absolutely mental? Do you get out much? Is that ankle monitor that confining?

I mentioned the Korg MR2000 1 bit DSD digital recorder as 1 method for archiving one's vinyl. Have you looked it up? You can record your vinyl to the Korg, with no computer in the chain and only 1 set of cables. All of the analog to digital conversion happens inside of a darn quiet environment electrically and the sample rate choices represent every widely used sample rate available today. All for a street price of less than $1,500!

I got the idea for using the Korg by reading about MANY different methods but I wanted to archive my vinyl at the highest quality and sample rate available, and then I went to a few live shows of some world class musicians/groups. I did not have a budget in mind when I started the journey, just the quality requirement. It is amazing how many musicians/recording venues/et al use the Korg DSD recorders for capturing their performances for later commercial release. (I had unlimited backstage/venue access, which if I were to explain how you would surely think of me as a snob).

I used to have an Intel based PC with a Soundblaster audio card.....perfect for gaming and casual listening, not for reference level audio reproduction. I switched to MAC. When you mentioned your Soundblaster was in your recording chain, your credibility on this subject fell off of a cliff. Initially, i just thought you didn't know any better and I was trying to be polite and possibly expose you to another way....notice I didn't say my way, right way, perfect way.....I'm not claiming I know it all but your repeated insistence that your vinyl recording method is really good just continues to erode your credibility, if you ever had any.
Ghasely, now that everyone has seen your "state of the art" method and my "budget recommendations" which are incomplete; because I only recommended the Audigy Sound Blaster, and the Musicstream UDB DAC; they can compare and speak for themselves.
Ok Orpheus, i have been holding back but you have to take a step back and listen for a second. I don't know your age nor your demographic but you don't seem to be reading between the lines very well. Your setup for recording your vinyl digitally must be fine for you but it is likely not what the original poster was asking for. Let's review shall we?

If the topic of this thread had been "is there any way to capture vinyl digitally and play it back, regardless of quality, for $300 or less" then you would be the big winner but it wasn't. The original poster was asking if someone was archiving and what they were doing. You answered which is your right however your method is so poor soncially that I am surprised you even felt motivated to post. I think its cool that you enjoy it I really do. But to run your vinyl through that POS DAK piece, into the noisiest environment on Earth(the inside of a PC) equipped with a marginal sound card just makes my head hurt! Your DAC is probably not that bad as far as $150 DACs($75 on the used market) go.

I keep waiting for you to jump out of the bushes with Ashton Kuchar and tell me I have been Punkd but you are evidently serious because you continue to recommend a setup that shows what is possible for a $300 investment, not what is possible for sound quality. The really expensive part of archiving vinyl is one's time. The OP stated he had a metric shytload of vinyl and wanted to archive it.....YOUR METHOD IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY ARCHIVE QUALITY!!!!!
Licorice, I do recommend the Soundblaster Audigy 2Z5 capturing to WAV line in card, and the highly recommended Music Streamer II only costs $149. It's the best $149. I ever spent since I've been in stereo.

Sorry I can't recommend anything else for an audiophile.

Happy listening and enjoy your music.
Licorice, I hope you have derived enough from all of these posts to put a system together that will transfer your vinyl to PC. There is nothing better than to listen to all of your favorite records, with only the cuts that you like, without interruptions for hours on end late at night. The computer playlist is so much better than a R to R in terms of convenience, it's just about the only thing I listen to.

Enjoy the music and good luck.
Orpheus, thanks. I don't know what gear you have other than the digital setup you mentioned in this thread. Rather than hijack this person's thread any further, you should start a new thread, list your gear, set forth a budget that must be adhered to and I will sincerely provide my opinion. The usual disclaimers will apply, I don't consider myself an expert other than to say I have made every mistake you can make in this hobby.

My personal philosophy on archiving vinyl is based on the premise of maximizing the quality of the archive, even if a person's current setup is incapable of reproducing the incremental resolution. We do this because we all recognize that the rest of the system is only as good as what we input.
Ghasley, your post indicates you are not a "snob", but a sincere audiophile. Assuming I wanted to bring my system up to the standards you aspire to, what sound card, DAC, and other compatible components would I have; including pre amp, amp and speakers.
Orpheus, how can you refer to me as a "snob audiophile" when anyone with a grasp of the English language can bear witness to the fact that I was so "gentle" with you through our dialogue.

I did not say that your equipment is not good, i was merely trying to point out that if someone is a serious vinyl afficianado and were trying to discover a method of truly archiving their vinyl, that your method is probably not what they were looking for. My method may not work for others either. I wasn't telling you to go buy an ARC USB DAC, which dealers are having a hard time keeping in stock, I was recommending that you ought to hear what is possible, that's all.

My system sounds good to me, your system sounds good to you, so we are both happy. I worked hard to get into college, worked hard in college, worked hard in my career, worked hard in graduate school and have worked hard in my second career. I have about 2 months worth of pay invested in my system and I don't consider it bleeding edge. It works for me, is actually pretty simple, many fewer cables and wires than yours. I just enjoy music.

For you to refer to me as a snob is unfair and unwelcome, I'm far from it. Look at my feedback, read my posts, i simply try to add to the wonderful dialogue we enjoy here on Audiogon. If anyone in this thread is a snob, it would be the person not open to open discussion and a free exchange of ideas. There is more than one way to accomplish anything and you have explained yours, i have explained mine and others will certainly share theirs.
Ghasley, there are "Audiophiles" and there are extreme audiophiles who fall into the category of "snob" audiophiles. Everyone on this forum is aware of ARC, but I doubt if hardly anyone is using ARC as a USB DAC. If your budget allows you to indulge in extreme audio, I say "more power to you", maybe one day I'll have that kind of a budget; but today I don't, and honestly I doubt I would use an ARC USB DAC. In the mean time, I'm as happy as a clam with my comical digital setup; peace, and enjoy the music.
Licorice, you have every detail of my set up and I like it a lot. If you have a good phono, which you probably do, line in from line out will give better results than going from the TT. The Music Streamer II is quite cost effective as a USB DAC and I recommend it. Unfortunately, tearing stuff apart, and putting it back together is not for everyone.
Orpheus, I have been very polite, exceedingly so in my opinion and I would like to keep it that way.

Please note that I said GOOD USB, Wavelength, ARC...there are so many good ones out there that you really should hear the difference if you love music. There is one for every budget as well, especially used.

You have found happiness in your setup and that is cool but for you to pop off about your digital setup is comical. Fire back if you really want to know what I think and I will oblige.....not that I am an expert by any stretch. Can you REALLY see Russia from your house?
The Music Streamer II is a USB DAC, and a ripped CD doesn't go through any sound card. I'm at a loss for words, I don't quite know how to respond?
Orpheus10, thanks for the reply.

I'm not quite sure where to begin so I will take a pass on commenting on your setup. I'm glad you enjoy your archived vinyl and I am now more confident than ever that your digital and archived digital copies of your vinyl are virtually indistinguishable to your ears. You really do owe it to yourself however to demo a good USB dac in your system. Bypassing your sound card and listening to a ripped CD or downloaded high resolution digital might be a revelation to you. Of course, if after doing so you still prefer your current digital setup then you will be dollars ahead.

Best wishes and enjoy the music.
Soundblaster Audigy 2 Z5 capturing to Wav line in, digital out to Music Streamer II. On a good record, I can't tell vinyl from digital. Now tell me all about it.
Mp3 is nothing more than the name given to a compression algorithm. Songs off of an LP, in their native format, are WAV files. WAV files take up 10-20X the space of MP3 files, so they are difficult to email, take up huge tracts of space on hard drives, etc. The biggest thing, though, is that your average Joe just wants tunes, for background music, or whatever. Quality has no impact. For audiophiles, an uncompressed format is best. There is just more there, there. That's why many of us cling to our turntables, in the face of everything CD.
Also, please be sure to include a brief description of your digital to analog conversion you currently utilize for playback and the method you play it.....itunes...etc?
Good morning Orpheus. Let's try this a different way. What sound card are you using to capture your data? PC/system setup. Wav or Mp3, its the sample rate that we are trying to get to. It is extremely relevant and you have yet to disclose that, which will helpful to the original poster when evaluating his/her options. But the sample rate is only part of the equation, the quality of the A to D conversion is the other part. While i have never seen a Dak 2800, i have no doubt it is proving to be a cost effective manner to get your analog signal to your PC.

All of your conversion from analog to digital is currently ocurring at your sound card within your windows PC. That can be pretty noisy not to mention inferior in sound quality but I will withold my specific opinion until you specify your computer setup and sound card. You may have your sound card isolated etc.
Go to "Google" and you will find DAK 2800 WAV grabber. It's no wonder I know nothing about MP3 and my computer knows nothing about MP3, we only know WAV.
I get great results with an M-Audio Audiophile USB, which is a pretty old design. Unfortunately, I don't think this particular model is made anymore, but you can still buy it online. I usually use it with my Macbook. I take the output from my pre-amp's tape output.

I use Audacity for recording. Lately I've been recording at 24-bit/96 kHz, and it really does sound better to me. I save as FLAC and play back with a Squeezebox Touch. I use ClickRepair on a low setting for removing tics and pops. I suggest turning off the amp when recording to eliminate acoustic feedback.
Orpheus, please don't be defensive, i am trying to be very kind and understanding....I am actually not at all surprised that you didn't know the difference based on your posts in this thread.

MP3 files are a serious is intentionally omitted in order to shrink the file size. The typical MP3 track will be about 5mb. A standard redbook(16/44) cd track is about 80mb, a 24/192 sample of the same track is around 800mb. So for a MP3 track versus the other samples you can do the math and see how much data is missing.

I'm not saying a person can't enjoy MP3' are enjoying your music and that is cool. I'm not trying to insult you at all but you might consider reading up about MP3's and the material sonic compromise inherent with them. At the other end of the spectrum, in my earlier posts, I have referred to 1 bit DSD or Direct Stream Digital. There is no higher quality method to record digitally today. It is the closest quality wise to an analog master tape and lower in noise.

I hope this dialogue has been helpful and a mild mea culpa on your part, following some research on your part, could help you save some face. We all have to learn sometime and alot of high quality music is in store for you! Imagine more of your favorite music with inner detail you've never heard awaits! Warm regards and happy listening.
I don't know what MP3 is, and I don't care what MP3 is. I know good audio when I hear it, and if it's called KJ7, that's fine with me
Orpheus, thanks for the reply and I am glad that you are enjoying your music, that's what it is all about isn't it?

As an aside, you may catch some flack around here if you advocate too vociferously that coverting your vinyl to MP3 is remotely high quality. As long as you enjoy it, that is what is important but it is an accidental disservice on your part providing vinyl conversion advice to someone looking for answers without disclosing you are converting to MP3. Like many on this site, I find MP3 lacking considerably qualitatively. Just trying to be kind....
That's it. I replaced all of the caps with top of the line Nichicon. I don't use phono in. I have a very good phono. I use line out, and line in on the DAK 2800 PC. As a matter of fact just before I posted this, I was grooving on some "Grocer Washington Jr." on my play list that had been down-loaded using the modified DAK 2800; and it sounded so good that it has inspired me to began a thread on the music forum for "Grover Washington Jr."