Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?

As the title says, I am pondering my best options for purchasing a tube based preamp for $2k or under. Must have a remote! 


Your opinions, thoughts, and expertise would be greatly appreciated. If I was spending more, I would know most of the best choices, but I'm on unfamiliar ground at this price limit. But sometimes, you can only do what you can do. 

Thanks for any help. 


Anyone have experience with the somewhat new LAB 12 Pre1? Its gotten consistently excellent reviews. Its $2400.00 new and they sell for about $1700.00, used. 


Herb Reichert, in Stereophile, said (in a comparison with two much more expensive preamps) 

"I regard all three preamps as sitting at or near the leading edge of what's possible with line-level preamplification."

I own a Supratek Cabernet.  Mick made it new in 2023.  It is  fantastic pre that performs way above it’s price.  If you can find one used with remote I would recommend it highly.  They are made with remotes.  Johnny Slate is the USA tech located in North Carolina.  Mick has been dealing with health issues of late.  Last I heard 2 months ago Mick has suspended his building until his health improves.  Hope he is doing well.

Lab12 makes great components priced very well.  I owned their Dac1 Reference and was very impressed with the SQ and build quality.

I had a VTL TL-2.5 for many years & upgraded to the VTL TL-5.5.

The TL-2.5 is a great preamp - all tube with remote.

The TL-5.5 is quite an upgrade, and its even better if you upgrade the JJs to NOS tubes.