Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?

Of course, it depends...

So here is my setup:

  • Amp: McIntosh MC7100
  • Pre-amp: McIntosh C712
  • Others: Focal Sopra 1 and Bluesound Node

I was thinking to upgrade to an integrated (McIntosh, Hegel or Pass Labs are on top of my list), but I might decide to go for the long game: get the best amp/pre-amp for the same budget as the integrated (max 10k CAD) and update the other half later, in 5 years-ish..

So I'm open to suggestion! But remember a suggested a pre-amp, must match the MC7100 and an amp must match the C712 as I plan you have them together for a little while.

Thanks for the hive mind. I realize this is a tricky question!


Showing 5 responses by papyneau

@rocray : There the itch, but the amp/pre-amp are are borrowed long-term to a friend so I want to get my own gear. I'm not in actively in the hobby for a long time, so it's hard to me to articulate "what I want to achieve sonically". I must say the setup I have amazed me every time I'm listening to it, but I'm realistic: it can certainly be better! I listen to jazz, blues, female signer, piano, pop and the occasional edm. Not into rock/hard-rock/punk /metal.

@erik_squires : I considered Luxman, but from what I read (never listen to them), Luxman is very clean/analytical and I fear with the Sopra that share similar attributes, it might be too much. I realize I might be totally wrong.  


@erik_squires & @webking185 : ll fair points on the Luxman. I need to listen to it to forge a real opinion. I know it is very-well regarded. 

@yyzsantabarbara . Yes, the Sopra have Beryllium tweeter, and the Krell K-300i is one I definitely have my eyes on as well. 

Thanks all for your suggestion so far. Your feedback make me realize my initial tough of replacing both pieces by a good integrated was the right one. I'll add the Krell and Luxman to my short list. But if I got down the integrated route, the MA8950 would be the default contender as I'm very please with SQ of my mac gear.

Evaluating alternatives (Krell, Luxman, Hegel or Pass Labs) is always tricky for the usual reasons: not available to test in Montreal areal, different speakers, different room, ... I wish it exist a service to test any gear at home for two weeks, even for a fee!





I saw the Moon products and I am certainly sensible by the "Fabriqué au Québec" touch and think you are right: I should at least give them a try. It should be way easier to try them out that other brand like Luxman and Pass that have a very few dealers in the great Montreal area.

@bassdude & the MA352 community:

I haven't considered tube so far as I know nothing virtually nothing about them and it seems they required a bit mote attention than a SS even if I acknowledge the fact that is brings something in term of AQ . However, I completely agree that the MA8950, and others integrated have way more features that I need (lots of input, EQ, DAC, ...). My use case for the  foreseeable future is the current one: one input, the Bluesound Node. This is why one of the top of my list are the Pass Labs INT-25 or INT-60: a beautiful simplicity. 


@fiesta75, @runwell , @ditusa :

My though when starting this thread was to go separate, but not for the flexibility it offers (I might be wrong, but I'm convinced I don't and will not need it). It was to spread the investment over time and ultimately end-up with a better (and probably more expensive) system. I realize it might be a form of flexibility. But I wonder how much better the AQ is considering the latest advance in integrated technology. Of couse, once again, it depends and here we are back to square 1!


Ok, you got my attention! I'm really interested how much you considered the AQ improved by spending 8k (USD I assume, so it's 10k CAD) to replace that semi-vintage gear we have in common. I must admit, one of my worse fears is to spend that money to end-up with something equivalent (still, as opposed as you, that Mac gear is a long term lent from a good friends... that inherited the gear from his father! So I must get my own eventually). Also, when I was looking for speakers, the Harbeth were on my short list (M30.2 XD, C7ES-3 XD) but decided to go with the Focal and I really happy with them. Finally, the DAC... this one is not on my short-term concern as I might decided to go with new gear that has a good/better one included. From what I read, there are different school of though on how DAC really make a difference for the price. Eventually, I'll need to give it an honest try.

@ieales, @ditusa :

Are you suggesting the Sopra are the weakest link?


Thanks all for the  hive minds - it really helps wrapping my head are this choice I have to make!



@soix, @erik_squires@webking185 - I must apologize for my noob mistake. I confused one Retro-look Japanese brand with another... The Accuphase are deemed to be "clean/analytical", not the Luxman! (but again, not first-hand knowledge)

@overthemoon - I agree with you, building experience by listening to different make and models is certainly an enjoyable journey toward better and more conscious choices. At the same time, I'm afraid that along the way, I'm digging deeper into the rabbit hole and becoming an audiophile!! 😱 . About this: I'll soon start another thread to share such an experience: I was able to have a Naim SUPERNAIT 3 last weekend to compare to my current gear in my own room - a very educating experience!

@rsf507, ​@ieales, @ditusa  - While auditioning for my speakers, I listen to BW 805 D4, the Totem Element Fire V2, and the Dynaudio Heritage Special. When I listened to the Sopra, it was love at first sight. But I must admit they sound very different from the others and completely understand if they're not someone's cup of tea. This is why it is sooo hard to forge an opinion based on others' comments as not everyone likes the same thing!

That being said, the Luxman's are now very high on my list and there are two for sale second hand in my region: L-509X and L-507uX by lurking this forum a lot, I would be interested to hear @erik_squires opinion on which one is better value for the money (6,5k and 9k CAD respectively) ;-)





Thanks all for you suggestions. I finally decided to pull the trigger...

I got the Luxman L-509X, second hand but like new. 

It is something... 🤩

It's a significant leap from what I had and I love it. The sound is so pure, so detailed I can believe my ears! It's a bit brighter that the mac, but in a good way. And the sound persist a bit longer so it feel more warm.

Again, thanks for the advices on the good match with the Focal. I audition it before I bought it (it was a very nice audiophile that live 1h drive from where I am) but the system and the room was completely different, so that was a part of the transaction that was a leap of faith that I did because of the consistent advice on that good match (here and other forums).

So I'll probably come less often on this site because I must admit, it gets expensive!!


- Papyneau