Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?

Of course, it depends...

So here is my setup:

  • Amp: McIntosh MC7100
  • Pre-amp: McIntosh C712
  • Others: Focal Sopra 1 and Bluesound Node

I was thinking to upgrade to an integrated (McIntosh, Hegel or Pass Labs are on top of my list), but I might decide to go for the long game: get the best amp/pre-amp for the same budget as the integrated (max 10k CAD) and update the other half later, in 5 years-ish..

So I'm open to suggestion! But remember a suggested a pre-amp, must match the MC7100 and an amp must match the C712 as I plan you have them together for a little while.

Thanks for the hive mind. I realize this is a tricky question!


Showing 1 response by jonwatches1

@papyneau - I inherited *exactly* the same rig from my father (with KEF reference series speakers)

The best first money I spent was on a DAC. Now on a Benchmark DAC3 HGC, it sounds awesome coming through those Mac pieces

You might consider having your pieces refurbished by the folks at Audio Classics in Vestal, NY (Mac specialists) - I did that for the pre & really upped the sound

Over time, the rig became a Mac C2300 (tube pre) and MC152 amp (both purchased from Audio Classics), with Harbeth Super HL5+ speakers

An intermediate step (the 2300 & 152 are about $8k together) could be a used Mac integrated

I will say, the original rig still holds up darn well (I kept my father’s pieces)