Best Universal Player as transport for under $500?

Is it the Oppo 103?

The Denon/Marantz's don't have digital out!
The Yamaha seems to have issues.
The Sony 790 does not do SACD and is seems lightweight.

Anything else a contender?

Thanks in advance,
Haven't tried Integra, but I have the Oppo 103 and it's great. And ... for those of us who shy away from used electronics, I don't think it can be beat. "Under" $500 by a buck.
IMO, the best non Blu-ray universal player you can buy(used)for under $500.00 is the Integra DPS-10.5(Onkyo DV-SP1000). These players are rock solid(26.3lbs) and have absolutely the smoothest disc mechanism I have ever come across. The Integra msrp'd for $2500.00 and the Onkyo $2000.00.
