Best ultrasonic lp cleaner in 2020 and what surfactant best?

so many new ones.  ps advise
and i read that surfactant is hugely important.  Any expertise on that?

Showing 3 responses by ddriveman

1) Cleans better. Less ticks and pops
2) No assistance needed to get the lp to fit and rotate. With degritter, you just drop the lp in and it will always rotate. With autodesk you have often jiggle the lp in to slot before it will rotate
3) degriiter dries perfectly. Autodesk sometimes leave a little water on the lo since it relies on rubber lips in the slot to wipe off residual water
4) degritter is waay quieter
5) easier maitenance with degritter since the tank can be removed. So easier to drain and refill. With Autodesk, you have to move the entire unit over a sink and tilt it a little
6) Last but not least, degitter is cheaper....
I highly recommend degritter. I also have the audiodesk pro and a diy ultrasonic tank.
The degritter is sooo much better
The detergent that comes with the degritter is excellent. I have used Kodak Photoflow with my DIY ultrasonic tank but the degriiter's detergent  solution really wets the lp very well.