Best ultrasonic lp cleaner in 2020 and what surfactant best?

so many new ones.  ps advise
and i read that surfactant is hugely important.  Any expertise on that?

Showing 1 response by craig

Just got my Degritter.  I had been using the Clearaudio ultrasonic cleaner at my local audio store.  I played and then "rewashed" several (so far) LPs that had been cleaned with the ClearAudio.  The sound is improved.  There is lower noise level, so more articulation, separation of instruments, more natural timbre and tone.  I often wondered what reviewers meant by "veil".  The Degritter lifts the "veil" providing a clarity that is throughout the spectrum. Bass is better and cleaner and treble is "crisp" and "bright" in the positive sense of the terms.
I am using the Degritter supplied surfactant.
Noteworthy:  The unit I purchased was used.  When I received it, it had washed approximately 2740 LPs.  I emailed the company prior to purchase and asked what the duty cycle (life expectancy) of the US generator and pumps was.  The company replied immediately informing me that they warranted the unit for 2 years or 10,000 (yes, ten thousand) washes and that I should purchase the unit.  After 10,000 washes, they would refurbish the unit.  The software is user updatable. Mine had the latest version.

The footprint is about the size of a shoebox, so convenient to place.

Note that nothing touches the surface of the record-- no pads, no rollers.  A mechanism turns the record by its edge.  No water reaches the label. The water is continually cleaned via an inexpensive and easily replaced filter which is if you want, washable. (Took me about 1 minute to change.) The company welcomes you to make your own filter (they suggest the material) if you do not want to buy the precut ones.

The unit is extremely easy to use.  (Easier than the Clearaudio)  Nice manual.  The cycles are very customizable.  Even the heavy wash cycle is nearly silent.  The fan makes as much noise as you want to tolerate-- the slower it blows, the quieter (which can be very quiet indeed, or reasonably loud on full blast), but the slower the longer to dry.  It remembers your preference, so a wash is merely pushing a button.

Since it uses just distilled water (about 700 cc per tank) and a small amount (1-2 ml per tank)  of their surfactant, the cost per record is very little.  (about 1-2 cents per LP-- each bottle gives 50 tanks and a tank is good for 50 records). 

Glad I finally got one.  Highly recommended.