Best Temporary Record Cleaning Options

I have a new TT on order and need to line up some record cleaning options. This is my first TT since 20+ years ago when I used a discwasher on an old technics table. I will be slowly buildiing a vinyl collection from both new and used sources. I am not going to be able to throw down for an automatic for a while so I need a fiarly good temporary product that will help me get and keep records in great shape. In my search of the archives there is some amazingly in-depth content about record cleaning solutions and automatic machines but I can't seem to locate info on what the best options are for brushes, kits, etc.

Showing 3 responses by dan_ed

I'll vouch for the DIY RCM. I built mine a few years ago (there's a picture under my system) with the intent of one day buying a really good. I still have my $50 plywood/Hoover RCM but I still say that someday I'll spring for a Loricraft or Monk. Kurt_tank is right on. Mine is noisy and somewhat labor intensive, but it does a really good job. Like DougDeacon posted, the vaccuming really makes a difference and you can get good results with a small shop vac that has good suction. But don't discount the work that a good brush does, such as the Audioquest and the Mobile Fidelity. I'm also a believer in RRL and AIVS cleaning solutions.
Either Vinyl-zyme (Buggtussle) or AIVS should do it. It may require a few applications in some cases.
Be careful with the Hunt brush. There is a potential to trap grit under the pad and mar the record. I've not had any problems with it but others have reported issues. I use the Hunt brush prior to cleaning and only use the edges with the bristles. The AudioQuest brush is much better and safer. I use one of these while the LP is on the turntable before each play. Some folks have reported that the AudioQuest is the best for applying cleaning solutions. Haven't tried that yet. Did you get both the RRL vinyl wash and Super cleaner? IME, you will need both with used records.

Sounds like your closer to a new table than I am.