Best Subwoofer Connection

OK, so I'm waiting on delivery of a JL Audio e110 subwoofer. I have a 2 channel setup. The on-line manual recommends connecting the preamp outs to the subwoofer's line in (l/r), and then going from the sub's line outs to the power amp. OTOH, I could just go from the second set of preamp outs to the sub's line in and run the signal in parallel without using the sub's internal xover. Which connection is preferred and best for a music only setup? I've searched this issue here, but I haven't found an answer that makes sense to me. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by dbtom2

Nice system! 

Don't forget to get your sub positioned first in the room before you tweak the crossover etc.

I would still run the preamp output through the sub as a first option. Then it's a matter of setting the crossover freq and sub volume. 

Then try the second pre out method.  

I am glad I am not your neighbor. 

Good luck.

The sub has a crossover frequency knob that you will use to adjust the crossover point - that frequency at which all signals above it go to the power amp and all signals below go to the sub.  This is adjustible between 30Hz and 130Hz with 80Hz being a good starting point.  I would bet your setting will be much lower due to the good low freq response of those B&Ws and your taste for more bass.

The first option is to Run interconnects from the pre outs through the sub and back to the A300CR.  This uses the crossover in the sub and relieves the A300CR and B&W from low frequencies. You set the crossover to determine what the crossover freq will be.  Given what those B&Ws are capable of in low freq, you will have to adjust, listen, adjust, repeat.

The second option: Even if you decide to run a second output from the preamp and not use the hipass on the sub, running the amp and speakers full range,  you'll still have some crossover adjustment due to the overlap in frequency response between the B&Ws and the sub.   

Lucky dog. Great sub choice. You paid a premium for those excellent crossovers on those E110s so I would try running the preamp outputs through them first. This relieves the power amp and loudspeakers from heavy low frequency lifting. It will take some time and tweaking to get the sub integrated to your room and system but this is what I would do if I had a E110 or two.

On the other hand, You didn’t describe your system so my assumption is that you’re looking for bass extension, probably using stand mounts and not trying to get a few more low freq hertz out of big floorstanders.

In any event it’s your system and your ears so you may enjoy going back and forth between the two options. Have fun!

Have a read below. It cover the E112 which is the 12" version but the theory of using that Linkwitz-Reilly Crossover is explained.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Well, there you go. Once I saw your current loudspeakers I figured that you would be going in that direction. Still, given the high-quality of the crossovers in the JL E110, you have plenty of options down the road.

And perhaps adding a second sub might change things, too. My plan is to go with two E110s or E112s simply because of something I read someplace about how stereo mastering is now done down to below 20Hz. 

For me, I wouldn't be done tweaking for another month or so. Finding the right location for the sub, pinpointing the crossover frequency, setting the phase and, finally, making tradeoffs on the sub volume setting so I didn't have to get up and change it when the album changed.

On the other hand, you're a vinyl guy so you're used to getting up. ;)

Great sub choice and nice system. (Jealous grin.) Enjoy!