Best standmounts with a 7" woofer/driver

Hi All,

Love to her recommendations on bookshelf speakers with a 7 inch woofer. I know I should not focus everything on driver size, but I would like a bookshelf that can move some air. Big sound. I currently own Revival Atalante 3.They have a nice 7 inch driver. Just shopping for possible upgrades. My room is 14' X 12'

Please share your best bookshelf speakers... High end only.



Showing 3 responses by jastralfu

What does high end mean to you?  Is there a price point that matters?  What are the measurements and specs other than the 7” woofer?  What sound signature matters to you?  I use Fritz speakers, which use a 7” driver, but I don’t know if you would consider them high end.  I do based on their performance, build, and having compared them to others in the same class that cost two or three times as much.  There are many others that would likely work for you but don’t have a 7” woofer.  Without knowing what sound signature you’re looking for it’s difficult for folks to give you good recommendations.

Fritz’s speakers would fit that bill.  Joseph Audio Pulsars (both versions) would as well,  Harbeth, Dynaudio, and Spendor have been mentioned already.  You might consider ATC as well.  I’m sure you saw @grislybutter ’s list which is great.  You can use that to research what others think of various sound profiles and then audition some yourself, if you can, to see what you like.

If you like the Atalante 3s but want deeper bass, larger soundstage, better imaging etc you can add a pair of subwoofers to your setup and that should do the trick.  You could spend half of what some of the recommendations cost and get excellent subs that would likely give you what you want.  I added a pair of subs to my system and it did all the things I mentioned above. If you don’t want to entertain the idea of subs then forget I mentioned them 😀