Best Speakers for around $2000

I am looking to get into speakers after being spoiled with head-fi. I enjoy the sound signature of the Audeze LCD-2's if you are familiar with it. I like the warmth and clarity but in a speaker I am looking for good soundstaging as well.

I am going to be using an Eximus Dp-1 as a DAC and Pre and the Eximus S1 as the amp. (150WpC) I want to find moderately priced speakers to go with this setup. I listen to a plethora of music but have come to enjoy mostly jazz and classical as of late but I also like to mix in R&B and Hip Hop.

I know it sounds crazy to expect something that can cover all those bases in this price range but I know there are limitations going in. Thanks for your help in advance.
Wow, thanks everyone for your responses and I really appreciate them. I will look into all the speakers you guys have mentioned. I appreciate the spring board you guys have provided for me so that I can have somewhere to start my search.

Unfortunately I live in South Korea right now and there is a lack of shops in which I can listen to many of the speakers that were mentioned.

I forgot to mention a couple of things in my initial post that might make a huge difference. My apartment is not that big like many homes here so my living room is actually small (12x12) with one wall being a large sliding glass door and the other side wall being non-existent (it goes to the dining room and kitchen).

Also I listen to music at very moderate level because of living in an apartment and I am past the phase of ridiculously loud music. I also have looked into Gall Stradas and wonder if this would be a viable solution for this room make up. Their size make it convenient since there is limited real estate as is.

Thanks again to everyone since it has made my search so much easier.
Given your constraints, a pair of monitors with or without a subwoofer would seem to be the obvious solution. I am currently using Hyperion 585s which are decent and well within your budget. I happen to really like the sound of JM Labs which are my main speakers. Occasionally you see some really good deals on older mini and micro Utopias which are of course outstanding. Immediately you could get a pair of the Electra series monitors. I suggest that you peruse the monitors for sale and see what you can get. There are tons of them out there, but again, don't expect them to sound like your headphones. I would anticipate that you will also need good cables for them so try and figure that into your overall cost.