Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 

Showing 3 responses by pauly

Impossible to say. There is no such things as the best cables, simply the more appropriate for a particular combination of components. 

TIP :   Choose cables from a manufacturer that has a similar setup as you. I have SET amps and BLH speakers. The cables that work best for me, are manufactured and marketed by folks who also use SET amps and BLHs. 

You should let us know what your other components are. Perhaps somebody has a fairly similar setup and can share his experience with you.
" I equate these “what is best” threads to trolling since there is no best and in our hobby there is so much room for subjective taste And system synergy."

Agreed, although I’d call it something other than "troll". More like the "Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right" thread.

The one side being those who post how "their" cables are neutral, and by implication their equipment and setups are neutral, and everyone else’s are "tone controls". The other, the hard of hearing crowd who claim flex sounds a well as anything out there and then get very testy and verbally abusive because some of us have functional hearing and dare state that we can hear the difference..

Erastof, if you are interested in an objective or more science-based approach to this question, check this out:

The Best Speaker Cable | Reviews by Wirecutter (

Excerpt from your URL "In our first round of testing we had a ringer: an uber-expensive “high-end” speaker cable. These don’t come in 50-foot spools, but if they did, they would cost $600."

Enough said.