Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 

Showing 2 responses by budburma

Miles of audio wire has passed through my system(s).  And house for that matter! A lot of it pretty pricey. The only IC/SC combo I have some sellers remorse around is the older silver/cotton version of Sablon Panatela. Duelund tinned copper DCA16ga bare wire - I use double runs to approximate 13ga. To my ear, it's articulate, smooth and extended. And crazy inexpensive compared to most...Most recently, I didn't hear any advantage with Auditorium 23 even though it's supposed be the schizzle with the Devore/Leben combo I'm enjoying.
Power cords have proven to be a different animal and the expensive Dynamic Design Titanium GS analog and associated Ariel GS digital have blown my mind. Big, quiet, dynamic, nuanced, insightful easy on the ears and as transparent as I've experienced. I still use my BMI Oceanic Statement, too, but thought it would never be rivaled. The BMI is more powerful in it's presentation and calls your attention to the tunes, while the subtleties of the DD are more comforting somehow.
A watery analogy would be a cool, but not bracing pool vs. a more body temp enveloping stream. Both are just this warm side of neutral, but their invitation into the tunes differs...