Best sounding room at CES 2003

What was the best sounding room at CES 2003?
VTL provided the most impressive sounding room per my limited time at the show. I did not have enough time to visit all the rooms. But I got to visit a fair amount of rooms.
VTL was using Linn CD12, VTL new Reference Monoblocks, Wilson Watt Puppy 7. I did not get a chance to check out their cables.
Their sound was clean, pure, extremely articulated, emotional and has very beautiful lifelike imaging. Working in their favor is a big open 2 room suite that offers more opportunity for the sound to blossom naturally. I'm sure there are other products that could compete nicely had they had this space.
I have no relation to VTL or any dealer.

Also,Gryphon was impressived for SS with their new speaker.
It had to be Theil's room. It's the only one that had the "WOW" factor IMHO.
Some of the rooms I enjoyed included Wilson Audio, Quad, Van den Hul, Stanalog Audio, Blue Circle, Music Hall, Mission, Thiel, and the subwoofer demonstration by Dr. Hsu of Hsu Research.
My top two favorites: Cain&Cain and Josh Stippich's rooms in THE show, San Remo 928-929, and the Harbeth speakers in 804.

runners up:

Avantgarde trios with basshorns
Soundlab M1 room (at THE, not Crump and Curl's room)
47 Lab room
