Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp?

What the world needs is a nice sounding lower power class AB amplifier under 35lbs. I'm tired of power sucking light-bulb dimming Class A designs and 80+ pound Class AB immovable boat anchors on dollies. Tubes and Class D need not apply.

An Audio Research 100.2, CJ MF-80/MF-2250 come to mind. What else is there?

What do you think? I'm I the only one?

--Sensible in Springfield.


Showing 1 response by daledeee1

The Ayre are an excellent choice.  You may not like any Class D.  Some are in this thread.  I know you asked for AB but I have the XA25 Pass Labs sounds great.  It gets warm but I can lay my hand on it.  Sometimes,  I  leave iy on for several days and havent not any change in my electric bill.  Superb sound, single ended only.