Best sounding CD of Brass?

I attended a performance of an unamplified brass jazz band the other night and wondered what CD in my collection (I have around a hundred jazz CD's) would be best to evaluate my system compared to what I heard live. I don't have one, so I turn to you, wise Gonners, to tell me what CD of brass music SOUNDS the closest to live instruments? I don't really care about classic performances, as this will be an analytical tool. Strictly sound, especially catagories such as dynamics, clarity, tonal characteristics, frequency, to a lesser degree soundstage and image.
Any of the march compilations on Mercury with the eastman wind ensemble conducted by Frederick Fennell. Also used to have an LP of "Hail To the Chief" a tribute to Emory Remington of Eastman (brass instructor) by their trombone choir.Wonder if it still lives as a cd? Fennell was/is? unbeleiveable; had the opportunity to participate in a sight-reading with him at the controls playing Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man". He had two percussionists hold the bass drum at a 45 degree angle and then picked out the biggest guy in the band to beat down on it, gave evrybody a downbeat and ran up the risers to us trombones, and trumpets, exhorting "attack, attack"!
if you've got the right equipment, any of paul simon's last 4, among other, recordings will have great brass sound. also try brian setzer's orchestra and kid creole and the coconuts.
Just received Ebony Jazz Quintet's "Brand New Bag" on Mapleshade. Would be excellent for your purpose. Good bite, air and buzz (where called for) to the brass. Unadorned, very natural sound. Two trumpets, fr. horn, trombone and tuba (playing jazz) give you good variety in brass voices. Drum kit, which shows up only in a couple places, also is very well recorded.
Either of these from Chesky Feeling Back - Chuck Mangione One on One - Clark Terry Both great sound -AND great albums
Reference Recordings' Big Band Basie has excellent brass sound and excellent overall sound as well.
I second the "For Duke" recommendation. Also if you have any live recordings give them a listen, you might find a "diamond in the rough" so to speak. Remember horns can be sweet and smooth but they can also be quite rude at times.
Zubin Mehta rendition of Holst's The Planets on Decca/London CD. Also Vaughan Williams' Sinfonia Anartica on Naxos ($6 !!) has outstanding brass. Or try the Thin Red Line soundtrack which is the toughest workout you can give any system (beware of the volume level !).
Try "For Duke" on M&K Records and see if there is a Bethlehem Records CD issue of "Sincerely, Conte Candoli" out there. Both possess very natural tonal brass instruments and are very dynamic.