Best Power Cord for Sims amps.

I have a new Titan (Big as a house) 5 channel amp and would like to add a high quality power. Has anyone experimented and found success? I would like to keep it under $600.00. By the way, I am very excited about this amp.
I use a Blue Circle B-62.Keeps the W-5 sounding sweet
and powerful. Does not alter rock solid imagery or detail.
About $175.00 .
I use a JPS Labs Power AC on my Celeste 4150se, which was recommended to me by a tech at Sim. I found one on Audiogon for 225 and especially at that price it was a no brainer, although even at retail, I think the Power AC is a good buy for your Titan. I would check out the Tice power cord too. I also echo the chorus on this site for a dedicated AC line, especially for a beast like the Titan. When I plugged my amp to a shared AC line, there was a clear loss of dynamics and visceral impact. That's a shame with a Titan, because slam is a strong suit of any Sim amp. Another Sim tip is to take the manufacturer's advice and leave it on all the time. Not only does this help break-in, which is notoriously slow with Sim amps, but it really makes an audible difference in my system.
used to think you were an alright sort, but your Titan
ownership puts you on the "until i can get my amp too, i
don't like him anymore" list. sorry, i just cannot cope
with this much envy. a ferrari or yacht, maybe a gulfstream
and i could be happy for you but noooo....

still, sure would like to know just how far it takes your
system. let us know?
congrats on a beautiful investment. enjoy!!!