Best portable DAC, Phone, and in ear buds for travel or just out and about

Didnt know where to post this so Im posting this here under misc.I have never gotten into head phones but now that I can stream good quality recordings its changing my thoughts. I have used Samsung Galaxy android phones for years and now have a Galaxy A6. I would buy an Apple of thats whats needed just for music. Im not tryig to start an IOS against Android war here I just need some advice and Id like to be under 500 for everything. I ride my bike a lot and would love quality jamz for my rides let alone just out and about. I have been looking at the IFI x Dsd, the Chord Mojo and Centrance just sent me an email saying they are coming out with the Bomb portable DAC AMP. Id like to hear from peeps that have real word exp with this kind of portable setup and what sounds like real HIFI. Im not gonna full cans and probably end up with Cardas or cheap HIFI man in ear buds. I need it to be somewhat portable aka fit in my cargo shorts side pocket and last for 6 hours plus streaming Tidal on on my phone. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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