Best planar, elctro......budget and room concerns

I am looking into Planar/Hybrid/Electrostatic speakers,
new or used in a mid-fi (I suppose) system, and not a huge room to set too far from wall (1-3 feet)

My system is Rotel and Parasound and Proton amps, I will get more power for any speaker but want to know wich might be best for me..I have looked at Matrin Logan, Maggies, Innersound, and Eminent Technology.
I do not listen at concert levels I just want detail, but some bass issues have me a bit concerned, I do have an HSU Research 12V sub and cant afford any upgrade to all and every part of my system...any ideas for $2000.00 or less?
I know my budget is strict and hard to work around but new or used I just wish to be happy...thanks all Chad

Showing 1 response by sogood51

Most of the Apogee hybrid designs work well in smaller rooms, I have a pair of Centaur Minors that I used to use in my 12x17' living room.

Shipping can be a problem with Apogee speakers though so may not fit the bill unless you find a pair near your home for pickup.
