Best place to insert a new higher end cable in my system?

Hello. I picked up a good deal in a Audioquest Water 1.5m cable. It’s the most expensive one in my system. I have mostly other AQ cables such as Mackenzie, Sydney, a Columbia and an old school AQ cable going from my amp to preamp that sounds pretty good. Components include amp, preamp, phono preamp, server, streamer and universal player. I have a Cardas Blue Heaven phono connect going to my phono preamp but on occasion use a step up transformer former and use an old school Musical Concepts super connect II .5 meter from the SUT to the phono preamp. Where will I get the best performance from this Water IC? Thanks for your consideration and feedback.

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Showing 1 response by soix

Agree to start with source to pre but it will also depend on how good the interconnect is that it’s replacing so pre to amp definitely worth trying too.  Cables are a crapshoot and you never know til you try.  Best of luck.